Traduzione per "were keeping" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
And the munitions you were keeping there.
Y las municiones que estaban guardando allí.
As Olive considered how the secrets she and Aunt Lily were keeping were holding them back the Pie-Maker tried to explain his fear of letting go.
Mientras Olive consideraba que los secretos que ella y la tía Lily estaban guardando las estaban conteniendo el pastelero trataba de explicar su temor al abandono.
They were keeping something the demigods needed—something in that bronze jar.
Estaban guardando algo que los semidioses necesitaban: algo metido en aquella vasija de bronce.
The singers were keeping their reeds in central locations to be checked out, used, and returned.
Los cantores estarían guardando sus vinculacañas en centros como aquel para que la gente las sacara, las utilizara y las devolviera.
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