Traduzione per "were interesting" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Both gatherings were interesting, in their different ways.
Ambas reuniones fueron interesantes, de distintas maneras.
The proposals were interesting and I have refound pleasure.
Los temas fueron interesantes y me he renovado con placer.
So having figured out a way to decide which pages were interesting, to what degree, with PageRank, then it was possible to give search results that were much more useful.
Habiendo diseñado una manera para decidir qué páginas eran interesantes hasta qué grado, con PageRank entonces fue posible dar resultados de búsqueda que eran mucho más útiles.
They said our ideas were interesting.
Dijeron que nuestras ideas eran interesantes.
I mean,the paintings were interesting,but it just looked like old leaves and like desert sand I ust blowing or something,to me.I don't know.
los cuadros eran interesantes, pero se veían como hojas viejas y un desierto de arena siendo soplando o algo así, para mí.
But I liked literature classes, they were interesting.
Pero adoraba las clases de literatura, eran interesantes.
But the players were interesting.
Pero los jugadores eran interesantes.
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