Traduzione per "were hearing" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
I mean, whatever it was about, it wasn't about... anything that they were hearing.
Fuera lo que fuera, no tenía que ver con lo que estaban oyendo.
Those were his imaginings that the police were hearing.
Eran sus imaginaciones lo que estaban oyendo los policías.
Those that were dreaming thought they were hearing it in their dreams.
Los que estaban soñando creyeron que lo estaban oyendo en sus sueños.
The boy glanced at the others, and she knew that they were hearing him too, speaking each of their names.
El niño miró a los demás, y ella supo que también lo estaban oyendo, hablando a cada uno por su nombre.
The female pharmacists were applauding the Fuhrer, but hesitantly, as if they weren't sure what they were hearing. Susanna was.
Las farmacéuticas estaban aplaudiendo al Führer, pero vacilantes, como si no estuviesen seguras de lo que estaban oyendo. Susanna sí lo estaba.
Small communities dispatched messengers to travel to nearby towns to clarify details of the upheaval of which they were hearing.
Pequeñas comunidades enviaban mensajeros a los pueblos cercanos, para averiguar más detalles de la insurrección de la que estaban oyendo hablar.
Suddenly Kundaite said, 'Listen, the canoes.' It was clear, looking round the circle, that they were hearing the swish of paddles.
De repente Kundaite dijo: —Escuchad, las canoas. Era evidente, al mirar en torno al círculo, que estaban oyendo el susurro de los remos.
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