Traduzione per "washing and ironing" a spagnolo
Washing and ironing
Esempi di traduzione.
Washing, cleaning, ironing and maintenance of linen, underware and clothing.
Lavado, limpieza, planchado y conservación de ropa de cama, ropa interior y vestido.
83. Residents of such facilities for the elderly and persons with disabilities are provided with accommodation, a varied and wholesome diet, clothing, footwear, toiletries and the necessary household services (room cleaning, washing and ironing, changes of underwear and bedlinen, hairdressing).
83. Los ciudadanos residentes en asilos para ancianos y personas con discapacidad reciben acomodamiento, alimentación completa y variada, ropa, calzado, enseres personales y servicios domésticos (limpieza de habitaciones, lavado y planchado de ropa, mudas de ropa interior y cambio de ropa de cama, peluquería).
Washed and ironed, and the jeans too.
Lavadas y planchadas, y también los pantalones vaqueros, traje todo.
Tomorrow I'll give it back to my father, washed and ironed.
Mañana se lo devolveré a mi padre, lavado y planchado.
I washed and ironed Manuel's shirts. I can help you there!
I lavado y planchado Camisas de Manuel I puede ayudar a alli!
When I come back I want all of this back in its place... - What? - Washed and ironed out!
Cuando vuelva quiero que todo esto esté recogido, lavado y planchado.
I'd really dig it if a lady took care of me, did the cleaning, washing and ironing...
Realmente me cavo si una mujer se hizo cargo de mí, hizo la limpieza, lavado y planchado ...
Washed and ironed, on your bed.
Lavada y planchada, en la cama.
-l does some washing and ironing for the white folks.
-He lavado y planchado para blancos.
I've washed and ironed your shirt.
He lavado y planchado tu camisa.
I washed and ironed my school uniform ready for school tomorrow.
He lavado y planchado mi uniforme escolar para mañana.
She’s washed and ironed it a hundred times, and now it’s on its last legs.
Lo ha lavado y planchado centenares de veces y ya está en las últimas.
The shirt would be neatly washed and ironed and left on his bed the next day.
El día siguiente, él encontraba la camisa lavada y planchada sobre su cama.
Her own more feminine wardrobe had been washed and ironed for the landing.
Había lavado y planchado su propio vestuario, más femenino, para ponérselo cuando aterrizasen.
In the meantime I was happy being the joker at school and having my boxers washed and ironed.
Mientras tanto estaba la mar de contento haciendo el payaso en el colegio, con los calzoncillos lavados y planchados.
I flew to the curtains, curtains Mrs. Wilding had washed and ironed with her own hands.
Yo volé a las cortinas, cortinas que la señora Wilding había lavado y planchado con sus propias manos.
That afternoon Miriam brought back my clothes, washed and ironed, and offered to introduce me to some of her friends.
Aquella tarde, Miriam me trajo mi ropa lavada y planchada, y se ofreció a presentarme a algunos de sus amigos.
Mahailey was outraged to see the linen she had washed and ironed and taken care of for so many years packed into boxes.
Mahailey se indignó al ver la mantelería que había lavado y planchado y cuidado durante tantos años guardada en cajas.
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