Traduzione per "was take action" a spagnolo
Was take action
Esempi di traduzione.
We will now take action on the draft decision.
Procederemos ahora a tomar medidas sobre el proyecto de decisión.
I hope, Sir, that you will take action.
Tengo la esperanza de que usted habrá de tomar medidas al respecto.
This is regrettable and we must take action.
Es una situación lamentable y es necesario tomar medidas.
We must develop the capacity to take action.
Debemos desarrollar la capacidad de tomar medidas.
The Committee should lose no time in taking action.
La Comisión debe tomar medidas sin pérdida de tiempo.
They called on the Security Council to take action.
Asimismo, hicieron un llamamiento al Consejo de Seguridad para que tomara medidas.
To illegally force Icelandic authorities, foreign authorities or international organisations to take action or to refrain from taking action.
b) Obligar ilegalmente a las autoridades islandesas, a autoridades extranjeras o a organizaciones internacionales a tomar medidas o a abstenerse de tomar medidas;
It was the responsibility of Governments to take action at the national level.
Los gobiernos tienen la responsabilidad de tomar medidas a nivel nacional.
That is why we need to take action now.
Por ello debemos tomar medidas ahora.
Specifically, the Committee will take action on the following:
Concretamente, el Comité tomará medidas en los ámbitos siguientes:
“Trying to talk her into taking action.”
–Para intentar convencerla de que tomara medidas.
That's why we had to – to take action against you.'
Por eso tuvimos que… tomar medidas contra usted.
I was afraid for her. I had to take action.
Yo temía por ella. Debía tomar medidas. Era mi obligación.
Your behavior made it imperative to take action.
Tu comportamiento ha hecho absolutamente inevitable tomar medidas.
-Or I will have to take action against this ringleader, the overseer says.
O tendré que tomar medidas contra este cabecilla, dice el supervisor.
I don't want to take action, but I have a duty to this hospital.
No quiero tomar medidas, pero me debo al hospital.
well, you understand why we have to take action." This was Deirdre.
bueno, ¿entiendes porque tenemos que tomar medidas? —Esta era Deirdre.
No creature would blame the Congregation for taking action.
Ninguna criatura culparía a la Congregación si decidiera tomar medidas.
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