Traduzione per "was so stupid" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Wow, that was so stupid.
Eso fue tan estúpido.
God, it was so stupid.
Dios, fue tan estúpido.
Oh but it was so stupid!
¡Pero era tan estúpido!
But he's so stupid;
Pero él es tan estúpido;
She was always so stupid, so stupid. “What’s wrong with her?”
Se portaba siempre de una forma tan estúpida, tan estúpida… —¿Qué le pasa?
Why’re you so stupid?
¿Por qué eres tan estúpido?
People are so stupid.
¡La gente es tan estúpida…!
It was all so stupid.
¡Todo aquello era tan estúpido!
Men are so stupid;
Los hombres son tan estúpidos…;
Nature is so stupid.
—La naturaleza es tan estúpida.
He was so stupid and happy.
Era tan estúpido y feliz.
Penny, that was so stupid.
Penny, que era tan estúpido.
I was so stupid and clumsy.
Era tan estúpida y torpe.
That show was so stupid.
Ese show era tan estúpido.
Our family was so stupid!
¡Nuestra familia era tan estúpida!
I knew it, he was so stupid.
Yo lo sabía, era tan estúpido.
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