Traduzione per "was mute" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
The court appoints counsel ex officio in the case of a deaf, mute, or blind defendant, or when the defendant shows signs of insanity.
El tribunal nombra un abogado de oficio cuando el acusado es sordo, mudo, o ciego, o cuando el acusado da muestras de demencia.
(b) In the event of obligatory defence, i.e. when the accused is underage, deaf, mute, blind, or when there is a justified doubt concerning his or her sanity;
b) En caso de defensa obligatoria, es decir cuando el acusado sea menor de edad, sordo, mudo o ciego o cuando exista duda justificada sobre su estado mental;
The appointment of such a lawyer will not depend on any request in cases where the detainee or defendant is without a lawyer and is under 18, or deaf or mute, or handicapped to such a degree that he cannot defend himself.
La designación de ese abogado no dependerá de ninguna petición cuando el detenido o el inculpado sea menor de 18 años, sordo, mudo o incapaz de defenderse por sí mismo.
One of these beatings resulted in the death of a developmentally disabled patient who could not cry out for help because he was mute.
Una de estas palizas terminó con la muerte de un paciente discapacitado que no pudo pedir auxilio porque era mudo.
Abandoned tractors and trailers on the road between Djakovica and Prizren bore mute testimony to a recent exodus of refugees.
Tractores y casas remolque abandonados en el camino entre Djakovica y Prizren daban mudo testimonio de un reciente éxodo de refugiados.
The court appoints a counsel ex officio in the case of a deaf, mute, or blind defendant, or when the defendant shows signs of insanity.
El tribunal designará de oficio a un abogado cuando el acusado sea sordo, mudo o ciego, o cuando muestre signos de demencia.
“Was that man mute?”
—¿Es mudo ese hombre?
the Muted and Swollen.
el Mudo y el Hinchado.
I was mute and stupid in the beginning, I will be mute and stupid at the end.
Era mudo y estúpido al principio, seguiré siendo mudo y estúpido hasta el final.
“But isn’t Poomerang a mute?”
–Pero ¿Poomerang no estaba mudo?
Was he actually mute?
¿De verdad sería mudo?
The one with the mute for a brother?
¿Ese que tiene un hermano mudo?
Mute, but by no means impotent.
Mudo, pero no impotente.
With the mute his hands.
Con el mudo, eran sus manos.
The guy was mute but his brain waves spoke loud and clear.
El tipo era mudo, pero sus ondas cerebrales hablaban alto y claro.
I really thought he was mute
Realmente pensamos que él era mudo.
And the stable boy spoke, where everyone had always thought he was mute or... an idiot.
Y el niño del establo habló, cuando todos pensaban que era mudo o... idiota.
- I thought he was mute.
Pensaba que era mudo.
You knew he was mute.
Sabías que él era mudo.
It's like thejoke about the boy and the salt, everyone thought he was mute till they asked him to pass the salt.
Es como el chiste acerca del chico y la sal, todos pensaron que era mudo hasta que le pidieron que pasara la sal.
He was mute, the servant!
¡Era mudo el sirviente!
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