Traduzione per "was hereditary" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
3. Hereditary effects
3. Efectos hereditarios
The office is hereditary.
Su cargo es hereditario.
This right is not hereditary.
Ese derecho no es hereditario.
Prevention of hereditary diseases
- Prevención de las enfermedades hereditarias;
- Congenital or hereditary diseases
Enfermedades congénitas o hereditarias;
The Centre for Hereditary Diseases.
El Centro para las enfermedades hereditarias.
The right foreseen above is not hereditary.
Este derecho no es hereditario.
(c) Hereditary effects
c) Efectos hereditarios
“Strong leaders, hereditary leaders?” “Not hereditary. Strong leaders, yes.
—¿Líderes fuertes, líderes hereditarios? —Hereditarios, no.
“Because it’s hereditary?” “No.”
—¿Porque es hereditario? —No.
“But why can’t they be hereditary?”
—¿Y por qué no es hereditario?
“As opposed to hereditary,”
—Como antónimo de hereditario.
Strength is hereditary.
La fortaleza es hereditaria.
It was hereditary or anything,
Era hereditario o lo que sea.
Mostly, I was really glad to have all that sleepwalking behind me... until I found out it was hereditary.
Sobre todo, me alegré mucho de tener todo ese sonambulismo detrás de mí... hasta que descubrí que era hereditario.
They thought it was hereditary.
Ellos pensaron que era hereditario.
And then I found out that it was hereditary, and I was so scared I was going to become her one day.
Y luego descubrí que era hereditario, y tuve mucho miedo de ser como ella algún día.
Sorry, I just assumed it was hereditary.
Lo siento, acaba de asumir que era hereditario.
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