Traduzione per "was fresh" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Malta is self-sufficient in fresh vegetables, processed tomatoes, eggs, poultry, pork, fresh milk and fresh milk products.
Malta es autosuficiente en materia de legumbres frescas, tomates elaborados, huevos, aves de corral, carne porcina, leche fresca y productos de la leche fresca.
Fresh food
Alimentos frescos
Bulk rations, fresh bread and other fresh items purchased locally
Comprenden la adquisición local de raciones en bruto, pan fresco y otros alimentos frescos
Fresh milk
Leche fresca
The sample was fresh, why isn't the match perfect?
La muestra estaba fresca, ¿por qué no coinciden en un 100%?
Of course, silly, i even pinched it to make sure it was fresh.
Claro que sí. Hasta la he tocado para ver si estaba fresca.
the trout, you sure it was fresh?
¿Seguro que la trucha estaba fresca?
But I thought rain water was fresh.
Pero pensaba que el agua de lluvia estaba fresca.
Gentlemen, That drop of blood was fresh When it hit the shirt.
Caballeros, esa gota de sangre estaba fresca cuando llegó a la camiseta.
Yeah. That was fresh.
- Sí, estaba fresco.
and, although I didn't like the point of view, when I came back, I was fresh.
y, aunque no me gustaba ese punto de vista, cuando volví, estaba fresco.
The cast taken when he was fresh down.
Fue tomada cuando aún estaba fresco.
- This one was fresh.
- Ésta estaba fresca.
the holodeck boxing simulation was fresh in his memory.
la simulación de boxeo de la holocubierta estaba fresca en su memoria.
“Is it fresh?” “Does it look fresh?”
—¿Es fresco? —¿Te parece a ti que es fresco?
Fresh air, cold fresh air.
Aire fresco, frío y fresco.
“Sometimes menu say fresh—not fresh!”
—A veces menú dice fresco… ¡No fresco!
They had eggs, fresh. Meat, not fresh.
Comieron también huevos, frescos; carne, no fresca.
Eliza nodded. “He told her it was fresh.” “Fresh!”
—Lannigan le dijo que estaba fresco. —¡Fresco!
Fresh air, fresh places, plainness, homeliness.
Aire fresco, lugares frescos, sencillez, naturalidad.
They have to be fresh.
Tienen que estar frescos.
and before the cries have gone on for long, the chant starts up along the cellblock: “Fresh fish, hey little fishie, fresh fish, fresh fish, got fresh fish today!”
«¡Pescado fresco, pescadito, eh, pescado fresco, pescado fresco, hoy tenemos pescado fresco!».
It'll cut down on traffic in there, and you'll get it fresh." Fresh.
Reducirá el movimiento en el lugar y tú encontrarás todo fresco. Fresco.
# She was fresh as the dew#
Era fresca como el rocío
This blood was fresh.
Esta sangre era fresca.
She thought it was fresh.
Pensó que era fresco.
He asked if the coffee was fresh.
Me preguntó si el café era fresco.
I thought it was fresh and offbeat.
Pensé que era fresca y poco ortodoxa.
She was fresh as a summer peach
Ella era fresca como un melocotón de verano
If that was fresh.
Si eso era fresco.
You said the grouper was fresh.
Dijiste que el mero era fresco.
Catherine was fresh, vibrant, a gamine.
Catherine era fresca, vibrante, una chica inocente.
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