Traduzione per "was conceal" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
(d) Destroying, removing or concealing
d) Destruir, sustraer, ocultar
There are no reasons to refuse the inspections if there is nothing to conceal.
No hay motivo para negarse si uno no tiene nada que ocultar.
That interdependence should not conceal a certain hierarchy.
Esta interdependencia no debe ocultar una cierta jerarquización.
These weapons are relatively easy to produce and conceal.
Esas armas son relativamente fáciles de producir y ocultar.
In addition, some Governments wished to conceal their difficulties.
A esto se añade que algunos gobiernos desean ocultar sus dificultades.
in order to conceal another offence or facilitate the commission thereof;
6) Para ocultar o facilitar otro delito;
The delegation had made no attempt to conceal the gravity of the situation.
La delegación no ha intentado para nada ocultar la gravedad de la situación.
They are small, light, easily transportable and easy to conceal.
Son pequeños, ligeros y fáciles de transportar y ocultar.
We cannot conceal our dissatisfaction with the summit's outcome.
No podemos ocultar nuestra desazón por el resultado de la cumbre.
1. Conceals an object derived from:
ocultara un objeto proveniente de:
Is it in order to conceal something, or because there is nothing to conceal?
¿Es para ocultar algo o porque no hay nada que ocultar?
Or conceal something.
O para ocultar algo.
There was no concealment.
No traté de ocultar nada.
I’ll conceal nothing;
No os ocultaré nada;
What is there to conceal?
—¿Qué podríamos ocultar?
To miniaturize is to conceal.
Miniaturizar es ocultar.
There is nothing to conceal,
—No hay nada que ocultar —dijo—.
What had he to conceal?
¿Qué es lo que tenía que ocultar?
“I’ve got nothing to conceal.”
—No tengo nada que ocultar.
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