Traduzione per "wanted from her" a spagnolo
Wanted from her
Esempi di traduzione.
What did you want from her?
¿Y tú qué querías de ella?
He would come to me... when he didn't get what he wanted from her.
Venía a mi habitación cuando no obtenía lo que quería de ella.
If he was getting what he wanted - from her, then why would he kill her? - You know, Kyle started showing signs of actually cleaning up his act.
Si el obtenia lo que queria de ella, ¿entonces porqué matarla?
Ellie thought the same as you about what I wanted from her.
Ellie pensó lo mismo que tú acerca de lo que quería de ella.
So, you'd had what you wanted from her, and you cast her aside. It didn't feel like that.
Por lo tanto, tuvo lo que quería de ella, y la echó a un lado.
This is what he wanted from her.
Eso era lo que quería de ella.
It wasn’t what the worm wanted from her.
No era eso lo que el gusano quería de ella.
What did he want from her? A contract?
¿Qué quería de ella? ¿Un contrato?
She did not know what you wanted from her.
No sabía lo que quería de ella.
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