Traduzione per "wanted desperately" a spagnolo
Wanted desperately
Esempi di traduzione.
I do recall a story you told me not long ago about a young girl living in Wisconsin, who wanted desperately for her mother to drive her to Chicago to see Bobby Sherman open a shopping mall.
Recuerdo esa historia que me contaste no hace mucho acerca de una joven de Wisconsin que quería desesperadamente que su madre la llevara a Chicago para ver Bobby Sherman en un centro comercial.
With prospects of pension and status Something than John F. Müller wanted desperately for his son George
Una carrera en la iglesia era un trabajo superior con perspectivas de pensiones y estatus algo que John F. Müller quería desesperadamente para su hijo George
She wanted desperately to begin taking them.
Ella quería desesperadamente comenzar a tomarlas.
I wanted desperately for her to go on.
Quería desesperadamente que prosiguiera, y así lo hizo.
Drew wanted desperately to get out of the office.
Drew quería desesperadamente salir de aquel despacho—.
He had to believe in the book, wanted desperately to believe in something.
Tenía que creer en el libro, quería desesperadamente creer en algo.
I wanted desperately to deserve his good opinion.
Quería desesperadamente ser merecedora de su opinión favorable.
But another part of her wanted desperately to believe in this man.
Pero otra parte de su ser quería desesperadamente confiar en aquel hombre.
she was telling her legs to move because she wanted desperately to move forward.
ella le estaba ordenando a las piernas que se movieran porque quería desesperadamente seguir adelante.
He wanted desperately to rub his face and scrub his itching eyes, but couldn't.
Quería desesperadamente frotarse la cara y los ojos, que le picaban, pero no pudo.
She was growing too attached to the child and wanted desperately to help see her through this crisis in her young life.
Se estaba encariñando demasiado con la niña y quería desesperadamente ayudarla en su crisis.
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