Traduzione per "usual remedy" a spagnolo
Usual remedy
Esempi di traduzione.
He applied his usual remedy, which was thinking about the world.
Aplicó el remedio habitual, que consistía en pensar en el mundo.
“The usual remedies did some good, at the beginning,” he said. “Quieted the coughing, and so forth.
—Los remedios habituales surtieron algún efecto positivo al principio: calmaron la tos, y demás.
Her old enemy depression had returned to plague her, and her usual remedy was a change of scene, or several changes in succession.
Su viejo enemigo, la depresión, había vuelto a asediarla, y su remedio habitual era cambiar de escenario o varios cambios sucesivos del mismo.
Her hands twitched; he had the impression that if he’d had a beard, she’d be yanking it—her usual remedy for restoring Limbeck to sense.
La enana movía las manos con impaciencia y Haplo tuvo la impresión de que, si hubiera llevado barba, Jarre estaría tirando de ella: era su remedio habitual para devolverle el juicio a Limbeck.
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