Traduzione per "unsporting" a spagnolo
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43. Finally, it is also worth mentioning that, given the recent and dramatic fresh upsurge in racist incidents and behaviours in the football world, UNAR has suggested to Lega Calcio the signing of an agreement aiming at increasing awareness initiatives throughout Italy by using the proceeds resulting from the sanctions applied to football clubs for unsporting behaviour, which, so far, have been used to fund other praiseworthy social activities.
43. Por último, cabe mencionar también que, con motivo del reciente y dramático resurgimiento de los incidentes y comportamientos racistas en el mundo del fútbol, la UNAR ha propuesto a la Lega Calcio la firma de un acuerdo destinado a aumentar las iniciativas de sensibilización en toda Italia utilizando los ingresos procedentes de las sanciones aplicadas a los clubes de fútbol por conductas antideportivas que, hasta ahora, se han empleado para financiar otras actividades sociales dignas de encomio.
It had recently signed an agreement with the Italian Football League to establish awareness-raising initiatives at the grass-roots level, which were funded by fines imposed on clubs for unsporting behaviour.
La UNAR ha firmado recientemente un acuerdo con la Liga de fútbol italiana para llevar a cabo iniciativas de sensibilización a nivel popular, financiadas con las multas impuestas a los clubes por conducta antideportiva.
It's just so... unsporting.
Es tan... Antideportivo.
Isn't that a bit unsporting, old man?
¿No es un poco antideportivo, viejo?
The odds seem so unsporting, but I am nothing if not fair.
Las probabilidades parecen tan antideportivas, pero no soy si no justo.
That's a little unsporting.
Eso es un poco antideportivo.
How very unsporting of it.
Cómo muy antideportivo.
It's downright unsporting.
Es completamente antideportivo.
Unsporting would be me reporting that blasted buzzer thing to the committee.
Antideportivo sería denunciar aquel chisme ante el comité.
But that strikes me as unsporting.
Pero a mí me parece antideportivo.
Indeed, it was considered unsporting to use a wand against a Muggle sword (which is not to say it was never done).
De hecho, era considerado antideportivo usar una varita contra una espada muggle (lo que no quiere decir que nunca ocurriera).
blame me for it… Well, it's a bit unsporting to be hard on a fellow who's squiffed and tried to do you a good turn.
me echaría la culpa a mí… Bueno, es un poco antideportivo ser duro con un tipo que está achispado y trató de hacer un favor.
Those heavy, bent blades were fearsome things, considered unsporting by their enemies. The Spartans laughed at that sort of complaint.
Sus enemigos consideraban antideportivas aquellos temibles cuchillos pesados y curvos, pero sus quejas causaban hilaridad a los espartanos.
I wondered why Waverly had not thought to include an anti-tamper system in the implant, but perhaps that had been considered just a tiny bit too unsporting.
Me pregunté por qué Waverly no habría decidido incluir un sistema antimanipulación en el implante, pero quizá aquello se considerara demasiado antideportivo.
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