Traduzione per "to step on it" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
If the item is not observed due to it being buried or covered in vegetation, it may be stepped upon or ploughed.
Si no llega a observarse el artefacto por estar enterrado o cubierto por la vegetación, hay riesgo de pisarlo o tocarlo con un arado.
I found them lying on both sides of the road, so thick that it was impossible to pass without stepping on them.
Los encontré tendidos a ambos lados de la calle, tan juntos que era imposible pasar por allí sin pisarlos.
- The metal detector must detect mines in real time (instantaneously) so that any mine located by the detector will be indicated to the operator before he steps on it.
- El detector de metales debe detectar las minas en tiempo real (instantáneamente), de modo que indique la presencia de minas antes de pisarlas.
For example, on seeing an item of unexploded ordnance a person could avoid it, step on it, pick it up, kick it, hit it, cut it up, shake it, throw it, dismantle it or put it on a fire.
Por ejemplo, al ver un artefacto sin estallar, una persona puede evitarlo, pisarlo, recogerlo, patearlo, golpearlo, cortarlo, sacudirlo, lanzarlo, desmontarlo o arrojarlo al fuego.
It is likely that those lying on ground surface present a significantly higher probability of being found than those buried just below, because the probability of inadvertently stepping on one or ploughing one up is significantly less than observing one that is visible.
La probabilidad de encontrar un artefacto sin estallar cuando está en la superficie es considerablemente mayor que cuando está apenas debajo de la superficie, ya que la probabilidad de pisarlo o desenterrarlo por inadvertencia es significativamente inferior que la de verlo si está a la vista.
Taking care not to step on his shadow.
Sin pisarle la sombra.
They might step on her by mistake.
Podrían pisarla sin querer.
Or else the citadel might outright step on him.
O la ciudadela podía pisarlo.
As long as we are all careful not to step on them.
Siempre que tengamos cuidado de no pisarlos.
I went in, stepping carefully to avoid them.
Entré con cuidado para no pisarlos.
Vess is careful to step around them.
Veiss evita cuidadosamente pisarlos.
They were worn by stepping on them but they were wolf hides.
Estaban muy gastadas de tanto pisarlas, pero eran pieles de lobo.
I don’t want to step on his toes or anything.”
No quiero pisarle los pies o algo por el estilo.
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