Traduzione per "to pose nude" a spagnolo
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And he convinced me to pose nude.
Y me convenció para posar desnuda.
    He used to beg her to pose nude.
Dal le había pedido que posara desnuda.
Happy to pose nude. I like nakedness.
Encantada de posar desnuda. Me gusta la desnudez.
I know you liked posing nude, liked having the picture distributed, wanted it to be seen.
Sé que a usted le gustaba posar desnuda, le gustaba que sus fotos se distribuyeran, que quería que las viese la gente.
Like many Renaissance artists, he used male models for female figures, since a woman posing nude was scandalous.
Como muchos artistas del Renacimiento, utilizaba modelos masculinos para las figuras femeninas, ya que era escandaloso que una mujer posara desnuda.
That she had told him, mentioned it, even read him that strange command to pose nude, wearing stockings and an animal mask, in front of a mirror?
¿Que le hubiera contado, mencionado, incluso leído, esa peregrina instrucción de que posara desnuda, con medias y una máscara de fiera, ante un espejo?
It was a legitimate magazine, and I had to sign a proper release that specified that because I was underage, I could be on the cover and show cleavage, but I couldn’t pose nude for the inside of the magazine—which was a total relief from my point of view.
Era una revista de prestigio y me obligaron a firmar un contrato legal que especificaba que, al ser menor de edad, podía aparecer en la portada con un escote de vértigo, pero no podía posar desnuda en las páginas interiores de la revista, lo cual fue todo un alivio para mí.
'Yes,' said Elsie, feeling perversely that she would take her clothes off if she liked, whereas if she had been asked ten minutes earlier whether she would ever pose nude for an artist, she would have laughed sharply, and said 'Not on your life.'
—Sí —respondió Elsie, pensando perversamente que se quitaría la ropa si le venía en gana, aunque, si le hubiesen preguntado diez minutos antes si estaría dispuesta a posar desnuda para un artista, se habría reído y habría contestado: «Ni muerta».
It was not that Yu had wanted to go to Guangzhou, which was most likely to be a tough trip-a wild goose chase. It was just that Detective Yu had never dealt with an artist before. And Jiang Weihe happened to be a well-known one, and avant-garde enough to pose nude for Wu Xiaoming.
Yu no deseaba ir a Guangzhou, pues muy probablemente acabaría siendo un viaje difícil y una búsqueda inútil, pero nunca había tratado con una artista, liang Weihe era precisamente una artista bastante conocida… y lo bastante vanguardista como para posar desnuda ante Wu Xiaoming.
And he convinced me to pose nude.
Y me convenció para posar desnuda.
    He used to beg her to pose nude.
Dal le había pedido que posara desnuda.
Happy to pose nude. I like nakedness.
Encantada de posar desnuda. Me gusta la desnudez.
That she had told him, mentioned it, even read him that strange command to pose nude, wearing stockings and an animal mask, in front of a mirror?
¿Que le hubiera contado, mencionado, incluso leído, esa peregrina instrucción de que posara desnuda, con medias y una máscara de fiera, ante un espejo?
It was not that Yu had wanted to go to Guangzhou, which was most likely to be a tough trip-a wild goose chase. It was just that Detective Yu had never dealt with an artist before. And Jiang Weihe happened to be a well-known one, and avant-garde enough to pose nude for Wu Xiaoming.
Yu no deseaba ir a Guangzhou, pues muy probablemente acabaría siendo un viaje difícil y una búsqueda inútil, pero nunca había tratado con una artista, liang Weihe era precisamente una artista bastante conocida… y lo bastante vanguardista como para posar desnuda ante Wu Xiaoming.
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