Traduzione per "to meant" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
I could not believe that he meant what he seemed to mean.
Yo no podía creer que quisiese decir lo que parecía querer decir.
I don’t know if they meant he would have been better dead, but that’s what they ought to have meant.
No sé si querrían decir que habría estado mejor muerto, aunque eso es lo que debieron querer decir.
This meant that it was not appropriate for low-income countries .
Eso significaba que no era adecuado para los países con ingresos bajos .
This was what it meant to deal with such techniques as conflict rules.
Esto era lo que significaba abordar esas técnicas como normas de conflicto.
Clarification was sought as to what was meant by "humanitarian reform".
A ese respecto, se preguntó qué significaba la expresión "reforma de las actividades humanitarias".
The decision meant that no criminal files would be opened against the youths.
Esa decisión significaba que no se abrirían expedientes penales contra los jóvenes.
That meant that we had to choose sides.
Ello significaba que teníamos que tomar partido.
This also meant that consultations with UNEP partners were postponed.
Esto significaba también que se aplazaron las consultas con los asociados del PNUMA.
Originally, nuisance meant nothing more than harm or annoyance.
En un principio, la perturbación no significaba más que un daño o una molestia.
For the nation it meant humiliation, disintegration of tradition and culture.
Para la nación significaba la humillación y la desintegración de la tradición y la cultura.
That meant the entire Korean peninsula.
Eso significaba toda la península de Corea.
To be a colony of exploitation meant that the entity was an area of underdevelopment -- an underdevelopment which meant that we were to remain in that state in perpetuity if we were to fulfil the precise conditions for exploitation.
Ser una colonia de explotación significaba que la entidad era una zona de subdesarrollo, un subdesarrollo que significaba que, si hubiéramos de cumplir las condiciones exactas para la explotación, permaneceríamos perpetuamente en ese estado.
It seemed to Kevin that it meant acceptance, that it meant resignation, that it meant going on.
Kevin consideraba que significaba sumisión, que significaba resignación, que significaba seguir adelante.
That meant the kids were trapped inside, and that meant they were restless, and that meant noise.
Eso significaba que los chicos estaban atrapados dentro de ella, y eso significaba que estaban nerviosos, y eso significaba mucho ruido.
This meant something to me but I saw that it meant nothing to him.
Esto significaba algo para mí, pero veía que no significaba nada para él.
That was what civilization meant. It meant the city.
Aquello era lo que significaba civilización. Significaba la ciudad.
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