Traduzione per "to get involved" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
It is difficult indeed to imagine how a society can engage in internal violence or get involved in an external conflict if its interests are protected and if it enjoys well-being and prosperity -- both fundamental conditions for peace and stability.
Cuesta imaginar que una sociedad cuyos intereses están protegidos y que goza de bienestar y prosperidad, dos condiciones para la paz y la estabilidad, pueda verse envuelta en la violencia interna o en conflictos internos.
"If children do not go to school they might get involved in gang wars, so the Government should make sure there are more schools for children"
"Si los niños no van a la escuela pueden verse envueltos en las guerras entre bandas, por eso el Gobierno debe hacer que haya más escuelas para los niños"
Silk wouldn’t want to get involved with the police.
Silk no querría verse envuelto con la policía.
‘Crimes that they get involved in away from the base.’
–A los delitos en que puedan verse envueltos fuera de la base.
You won’t admit it, because you’re afraid of getting involved yourself.
No quiere admitirlo porque teme verse envuelta en esto.
For these reasons alone, the government is reluctant to get involved in foreign quarrels.
Ya sólo por esto, nuestra política no desea verse envuelta en conflictos exteriores.
It’s very disagreeable for an old lady of her age to get involved in all these disturbances.
Hubiera resultado muy desagradable para una anciana de su edad verse envuelta en tales perturbaciones.
He’d been ordered to follow Myron, not to be found out or get involved in a physical altercation. “Come on, Jim.”
Le habían ordenado seguir a Myron, no verse envuelto en un altercado. —Vamos, Jim.
He was tempted to interfere, but he could not afford to get involved in anything that might turn into a scandal.
Estuvo tentado de intervenir, pero no podía correr el riesgo de verse envuelto en algo que podía terminar en un escándalo.
Harry tried to stay out of it, enjoy his utility without getting involved in local politics.
Harry trataba de no intervenir, de disfrutar los beneficios de su utilidad sin verse envuelto en la política local.
For a whole constellation of impalpable reasons, he had dreaded getting involved in a business that was trammeled with personalities and passions.
Por toda una serie de razones impalpables, temía enormemente verse envuelto en un asunto preñado de personalidades y pasiones.
It is not for her to get involved.
A ella no le compete involucrarse.
There was no reason to get involved.
No había razón para involucrarse.
It is not wise to get involved in this matter.
No es buena idea involucrarse en esto.
Better not to know; better not to get involved.
Era mejor no saber nada, no involucrarse.
He didn’t have the courage to get involved.
Le había faltado valor para involucrarse.
Lucas hadn't wanted to get involved.
Pero Lucas no quería involucrarse en el asunto.
And who wanted to get involved, anyway?
¿Y quién quería involucrarse, de todos modos?
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