Traduzione per "three were" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Three villagers died and another three were wounded.
Murieron tres aldeanos y otros tres resultaron heridos.
At least three were killed and others were wounded.
Por lo menos tres personas resultaron muertas y otras tres heridas.
Well, three were great.
Tres fueron geniales.
Which three were released?
¿Qué tres fueron dispensados?
The three were mathematicians.
Los tres fueron matemáticos.
three were rushed to the hospital.
Tres fueron llevados al hospital.
All three were stolen.
Los tres fueron robados.
All three were strangled.
Las tres fueron estranguladas.
All three were Nazis.
Los tres fueron nazis.
- Three were found.
-Tres fueron hallados.
The first three were fine.
Las primeras tres fueron bien.
But only three were nice.
Pero sólo tres fueron lindos.
The three were compared.
Las tres fueron comparadas.
You three were tight.
Los tres eran pegados.
All three were privileged trustees.
...Los tres eran hombres de confianza.
All three were from here.
Las tres eran de aquí.
All three were possible witnesses.
Las tres eran posibles testigos.
These three were my best friends.
Estos tres eran mis mejores amigos.
The other three were local hires.
Los otros tres eran empleados franceses.
First three were for free.
Los primeros tres eran gratis.
We heard you three were quite chummy.
Supimos que ustedes tres eran muy unidas.
All three were strangers to me.
Los tres eran extraños para mí.
These three were dumb.
Estos tres eran estúpidos.
Three were identical;
Tres eran idénticos;
All three were women.
Las tres eran mujeres.
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