Traduzione per "they say that" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
They said that war has no rules, but this Committee says that war does have rules.
Dijeron que la guerra no tiene reglas, pero esta Comisión dice que la guerra sí tiene reglas.
They did not say anything or accuse me of anything.
No dijeron nada ni me acusaron de nada.
All were said to have a lot to say, but, as one detainee recognized, none was brave enough to testify.
Todos dijeron que tenían mucho que decir pero, como reconoció un detenido, ninguno tenía el coraje de prestar testimonio.
Several delegations expressed appreciation for the report, saying that it was frank, insightful and comprehensive.
Varias delegaciones expresaron su satisfacción por el informe y dijeron que era franco, esclarecedor y detallado.
They say that the police felt insulted and became more passive in their security role.
Dijeron que la policía se sintió insultada y adoptó una actitud más pasiva en el desempeño en su función de seguridad.
They say that the HIPC initiative provided a new architecture for providing assistance to heavily indebted poor countries.
Dijeron que la iniciativa proporcionaba una nueva arquitectura para suministrar asistencia a los países pobres muy endeudados.
This is what the world's media had to say.
Esto es lo que los medios de comunicación mundiales dijeron.
347. A number of delegations agreed with the President's assessment of the session, saying it had been constructive and positive.
Varias delegaciones estuvieron de acuerdo con el Presidente en sus apreciaciones sobre el período de sesiones, y dijeron que había sido fructífero y positivo.
Several representatives noted that the report was not a negotiated, agreed text, saying that it was open to further discussion.
Varios representantes señalaron que el informe no era un texto que se hubiera negociado y convenido y dijeron que estaba abierto a nuevos debates.
Palestinian security sources were quoted as saying that the man had dealt in land sales to Israelis.
Fuentes de seguridad palestinas dijeron que el hombre había negociado ventas de terrenos a los israelíes.
- They - They say that.
- Ellos dijeron eso.
“Did they say anything else? Did they say they wanted to see me?”
—¿Te dijeron algo más, te dijeron que querían verme?
They didn’t say why.
No dijeron por qué.
“And what did they say it was?”
¿Qué le dijeron que era?
“They didn't say what?” “No.
–¿No dijeron qué era? –No.
But they didn’t say a word.
Pero no dijeron nada.
And they didn't say a thing.
Y ellos no dijeron nada.
They say you did it.
Dijeron que fuiste tú.
“That's what they say.
–Eso es lo que nos dijeron.
“What did they say?”
—¿Qué es lo que le dijeron?
They didn’t say anything.
No se dijeron nada.
The Haida say,
Los haida dicen:
Others say that it violates the Convention.
Otros dicen que viola la Convención.
Security, they say.
Seguridad, dicen.
"They say 'write what you will'.
"Dicen 'escriba lo que quiera'.
They say that they are Arabs, and not one of them states that he is not an Arab.
Dicen que son árabes.
We must capture what everyone is saying.
Tenemos que captar lo que todos dicen.
But we understand that, as some say, this is not realistic.
Pero entendemos que, como dicen algunos, esto no sería realista.
What our partners say
Lo que dicen nuestros asociados
What do the Guiding Principles say?
¿Qué dicen los Principios Rectores?
153. What our partners say.
Qué dicen nuestros asociados.
Are they saying that it was damaged?
¿Ellos dicen que estaba dañado?
They say that -- -we're having drinks.
Ellos dicen que...
Now, they say that it will be you.
Ahora ellos dicen que será usted.
Yeah, but they say that every year.
Sí, pero ellos dicen que todos los años.
They say that he planned the whole thing.
Ellos dicen que él lo planeó todo.
They say that the world is round.
Ellos dicen que el mundo es redondo.
They say that I poisoned the water.
Ellos dicen que envenené el agua.
But they say that she's gonna live.
Pero ellos dicen que ella vivirá.
- They say that you're crazy...
- Ellos dicen que estás loco--
They say that you killed him.
Ellos dicen que tú lo asesinaste.
‘But they say he was an infidel.’ ‘They say, they say.
—Pero dicen que era un infiel. —Dicen, dicen.
One says one thing, one says another.
Unos dicen una cosa y otros dicen otra.
You know what they say?.” “No, what do they say?”
Ya sabe lo que dicen. – No, ¿qué dicen?
So they keep on saying, monsieur, so they keep on saying!
–¡Qué dicen, señores, qué dicen!
“But you know what they say.” “What do they say?”
Pero ya sabes lo que dicen. —¿Qué dicen?
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