Traduzione per "they flattered" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
At first they flattered me.
Al principio me halagaron.
Her impassioned words flattered him beyond measure.
Aquellas apasionadas palabras le halagaron.
Certainly not all pre-modern authors flattered the societies in which they lived.
Desde luego, no todos los autores premodernistas halagaron a las sociedades en que vivían.
They spat at her, flattered her, said incantations, but she did not answer them.
La halagaron, le escupieron encima, mascullaron encantamientos, pero no les contestó.
I was flattered by the approach, and by her obvious interest in me; she was undoubtedly used to having a strong and immediate effect on men.
El abordaje y el obvio interés en mí me halagaron: indudablemente estaba acostumbrada a causar un intenso efecto inmediato en los hombres.
They flattered her with compliments, each more extreme than the last as they tried to outdo each other, while jovially putting each other down as they competed for Lara’s attention.
La halagaron con cumplidos, a cuál más extravagante, puesto que todos pretendían superarse unos a otros, y se criticaban jovialmente entre ellos en su competición por las atenciones de Lara.
They flattered and surprised me by suggesting that it might be so Besides, as the Lady Antonia, that most extraordinarily wise and beautiful woman, has frequently pointed out to me But it was no use appealing even to Flaccus’s regard for my mother.
Me halagaron y me sorprendieron al sugerir que pudiera ser así. Además, como la señora Antonia, esa mujer extraordinariamente sabia y hermosa, me ha señalado con frecuencia… Pero era inútil apelar siquiera el cariño de Placeo por mi madre.
and with regard to the gentlemen, there was such an hearty good humour, such an open, trusting liberality on the Admiral's side, as could not but influence Sir Walter, who had besides been flattered into his very best and most polished behaviour by Mr Shepherd's assurances of his being known, by report, to the Admiral, as a model of good breeding.
Entre los caballeros hubo tanta cordialidad, buen humor, franqueza, sinceridad y liberalidad por parte del almirante, que Sir Walter quedó conquistado, aunque las seguridades que Shepherd le había dado de que el almirante lo tenía por un dechado de buena educación, gracias a las referencias que él le había entregado, lo halagaron y lo inclinaron a hacer gala de su mejor y más cortés compostura.
They think they flattered us with their applause but they saddened us.
Creen que nos halagaban con sus aplausos y nos entristecían.
The Scriptures on which I have been raised didn’t flatter the Jews.
Las Escrituras, a partir de las cuales fui educado, no halagaban a los judíos.
He was flattered by heads of state, consulted by prime ministers, and courted by diplomats;
Los jefes de estado le halagaban, los primeros ministros le consultaban, los diplomáticos le cortejaban;
There was more similarity of tastes between them, though his manner flattered her vanity less than Popple's.
Tenían gustos más afines, aunque sus modales no halagaban tanto su vanidad como los de Popple.
He loved to have them about him, and they all flirted and flattered and teased him assiduously.
Les gustaba tenerlas a su alrededor, y todas ellas flirteaban con él, lo halagaban y le tomaban el pelo a menudo.
Sometimes she came over to see grandfather after supper, and her visits flattered him.
Algunas veces Frances venía a ver al abuelo después de cenar, y sus visitas lo halagaban.
The brotherly emotions I brought with me mystified and embarrassed him, flattered him, and filled him with suspicion.
Las emociones fraternales que yo llevaba conmigo lo desconcertaban y confundían, lo halagaban, pero también lo llenaban de sospechas.
Riccardo was being drawn into conversation by men who were older than he and flattered him and loved his handsome face.
Riccardo conversaba con unos hombres mayores que él que le halagaban y admiraban su hermoso rostro.
They showed up in their best clothes, smiled and flattered and acted nice so the judges would think they were nice.
aparecían con sus mejores trajes, sonreían, halagaban y se hacían los buenos para que los jueces pensaran que lo eran.
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