Traduzione per "they are trying" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Of that total, 68.85 per cent were caught trying to enter illegally and 31.15 per cent trying to depart illegally.
De ese total, 68,85% fueron capturadas tratando de entrar en forma ilegal y 31,15% tratando de salir en forma ilegal.
And we are now trying to build upon them.
Estamos tratando de avanzar a partir de ellas.
That is exactly what we are trying to help with.
Eso es exactamente lo que estamos tratando de hacer.
I think I have been trying to.
Creo que es lo que he estado tratando de hacer.
We are trying to rid ourselves of all conflicts.
Estamos tratando de liberarnos de todos los conflictos.
As I say, my opinion is that Israel is not trying to implement peace, it is trying to make the peace process fail.
Como dije, mi impresión es que Israel no está tratando de que haya paz, sino que justamente está tratando de que el proceso de paz fracase.
Others are trying to increase their involvement.
Otros están tratando de aumentar su participación.
The Government was trying to deal with that problem.
El Gobierno está tratando de solucionar esta cuestión.
I was not trying to politicize discussions in this Committee.
No estaba tratando de politizar los debates de esta Comisión.
Opponents are trying to stop it.
Los opositores están tratando de impedirlo.
“You’re trying to collect?” “Trying, yes.”
—¿Estás tratando de cobrar? —Tratando, sí.
He was trying to --
Estaba tratando de...
She quickens her pace, trying not to stumble, trying not to think.
Acelera tratando de no tropezarse, tratando de no pensar.
There are scholars, historians who are trying,” Pierce said, “trying....
—Hay eruditos, historiadores, que están tratando —dijo Pierce—, tratando
Trying to cut him out, trying to fool him all the time.
Tratando de dejarlo al margen, tratando de engañarle todo el tiempo…
“What were you trying to—?”
¿Qué estás tratando de...?
That’s what I’m trying to—”
Eso es lo que estoy tratando de…
Are they trying to escape?
¿Estarán tratando de escapar?
They are certainly trying.
Definitivamente están tratando.
There is, however, another lesson we are still trying to learn.
Sin embargo, hay otra lección que todavía estamos intentando aprender.
The country is trying to remedy the situation.
El país está intentando remediar la situación.
It is simply an effort to know what we are trying to approve.
Es simplemente un esfuerzo por saber qué estamos intentando aprobar.
We are trying to help.
Estamos intentando hacer algo.
It is in fact deficient in the proclamation of what we are trying to achieve.
Es, de hecho, deficiente al proclamar lo que estamos intentando lograr.
UNFPA was trying to reduce the number of indicators.
El UNFPA estaba intentando reducir el número de indicadores.
I am merely trying to assess the situation dispassionately.
Simplemente, estoy intentando evaluar la situación fríamente.
Now, they are trying to rewrite history.
Ahora ellos están intentando reescribir la historia.
He's a trickster, he's fooled the others by giving off a scent just like a female's and they are trying to mate with him.
Es un embustero. Ha engañado a los demás emitiendo un aroma igual al de las hembras y ellos están intentando aparearse con él.
They are trying to pick us up.
Ellas estan intentando levantarnos.
And she goes on and on about how the men who are inventing the game are so heartbreaking because they are trying to regain their innocence and playing this game would somehow reverse all the terrible things they did in the war.
Y ella dice una y otra vez lo desgarrador que es el hecho de que los hombres estén inventando el juego porque ellos están intentando recuperar su inocencia y al jugar este juego de alguna forma revertiría todas las cosas terribles que hicieron en la guerra.
They are trying to remove me from here for political reasons since I am one of the leaders of this whole revolution.
Ellos están intentando sacarme de esto por razones políticas... porque soy uno de los líderes de toda esta revolución.
You said you were trying. Trying what?
Dijiste que lo estabas intentando. ¿Intentando qué?
“I’m trying to protect you. I’ve been trying.”
—Estoy intentando protegerte. Lo he estado intentando.
“I’m trying,” Androl said. “Light, I’m trying!”
—Lo estoy intentando. ¡Luz, lo estoy intentando! —se desesperó Androl.
Don't you see that I'm trying?" "Trying?" said Alyx stupidly. "Yes, trying!"
¿No ve lo que estoy intentando hacer? —¿Intentando hacer? —murmuró estúpidamente Alyx. —¡Sí, intentando hacer!
“We are trying to.”
–Lo estamos intentando.
They weren’t trying.
No lo estaban intentando.
"It seems they are trying to tell us something."
"Parece que están tratando de decirnos algo. "
The mystery they are trying to solve is much, much bigger than anyone first imagined.
El misterio que están tratando de resolver es mucho, mucho más grande de lo que nadie haya imaginado alguna vez
Through her, I have been asked to cooperate with the Nazis many times, but I am what they are trying to exile, a Jew.
Atravez de ella, He pedido cooperar con los Nazis muchas veces pero yo soy lo que estan tratando exiliar, un Judio.
Police say they are trying to find three crucial victims who could be vital in solving this case...
La policía dice que están tratando de encontrar a tres víctimas cruciales Quiénes podrían ser vitales en la solución de este caso.
The great cinematographers are able to understand the stories they are trying to tell and find those elusive visual images that help to tell that story
Los grandes cinematógrafos son capaces de entender las historias que están tratando de describir y encontrar las imágenes justas que ayuden a contarlas.
At this very moment, they are trying to break into the office...
En este preciso momento, que están tratando de irrumpir en la oficina ...
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