Traduzione per "them trying" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Somehow, everything was back to her being murdered and them trying to cover it up.
De alguna manera, todo se remonta a cuando ella fue asesinada... y a ellos intentando ocultarlo todo.
It's them... trying to take over.
Son ellos... intentando tomar el control.
When they're two years old, you're running after them, trying to make sure they don't get hurt, and, this is the teenage version of that.
Cuando tienen dos años, corres detrás de ellos intentando asegurarte de que no se lastiman y esta es la versión adolescente de eso.
Sort of like me in that way... go after them, try to help 'em.
Algo parecido a mí en ese sentido ir tras ellos, intentando ayudarlos.
Usually it was Huck or I talking to them, trying to get them to say what we wanted them to say.
Normalmente éramos Huck o yo hablando con ellos, intentando que dijeran lo que queríamos que dijeran.
Most of the time, I feel like I'm always one step behind them, trying to catch up with them.
La mayoría del tiempo me siento siempre un paso detrás de ellas, intentando alcanzarlas.
I spent two whole weeks with them, trying to nurse them into a better humor.
He pasado dos semanas con ellos intentando ponerles de buen humor.
I almost feel sorry for them, trying to put together a puzzle when they don't know pieces are missing from the box, pieces he gave me.
Casi siento lástima por ellos, intentando armar un rompecabezas cuando no saben que hay piezas perdidas en la caja piezas que me entregó.
And every last one of them trying to have it all.
Y cada uno de ellos intentando tenerlo todo.
Hopefully, it's them trying to contact you.
Con suerte, son ellos intentando contactar contigo.
I was outside with them, trying to get through.
Yo estaba fuera con ellos, intentando abrirme paso.
He was standing between them, trying to keep them away from each other.
El estaba de pie entre ellos , intentando mantenerlos lejos el uno del otro.
When your team came in, I thought it was them trying to come back to rob us.
Cuando su equipo entró, pensé que eran ellos tratando de volver a robarnos.
Oh, I caught two of them trying to eat each other, so that's something we need to watch out for.
Oh, vi a dos de ellos tratando de comerse el uno al otro, así que es algo que debo tener en cuenta.
Takes them an hour for them to drop fat, anaconda shits while I'm face-to-face with them trying to wash my face or brush my motherfucking teeth.
Los lleva de una hora para que gota de grasa, caga anaconda mientras estoy cara a cara con ellos tratando de lavarme la cara o cepillarme los dientes de mierda.
There are just far too many of them trying to hold this conspiracy for far too long a period of time.
Hay demasiados de ellos tratando de mantener esta conspiración por demasiado tiempo.
All of them trying to build this new society.
Todos ellos tratando de construir esta nueva sociedad.
We know James Manning was nosing around them, trying to find out who sabotaged his plane.
Sabemos que James Manning estaba husmeando cerca de ellos, tratando de descubrir quién había saboteado su avión.
Who knows? But the important thing is, dude, you are the new Amy. And from what you've told me about them trying to screw up your dates with Leslie...
lo importante es que tu eres la nueva Am y por lo que me has dicho de ellos tratando de sabotear tus citas con Leslie... no digo que lo intenten, es que por poco lo hacen
Seven million people all of them trying to get off the freeway at your exit and you never talk to anybody 'cause you're always in your car with your cell phone and a gun.
Siete Millones de habitantes todos ellos tratando de salir de la autopista por tu salida y tu nunca hablas con nadie porque tu siempre con tu móvil y tu pistola.
A flock of them, trying to get airborne.
Una bandada de ellos, tratando de despegar.
Fenn stood with them trying to peer over their heads.
Fenn se levantó con ellos, tratando de atisbar por encima de sus cabezas.
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