Traduzione per "the more terrible" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
How much more terrible would it be this time, with the whole world in flames?
Cuánto más terrible sería ahora, con el mundo entero en llamas.
The greater and more terrible the passions are that an age, a people, an individual can permit themselves, because they are capable of employing them as a means, the higher stands their culture.
Cuanto más terribles y grandes son las pasiones que una época, un pueblo o un individuo se puede permitir, tanto más alta es su civilización.
Imagine then how much more terrible must appear the veined spherical mountain, wonderfully streaked with rich purple, soft and green-ridged and folded with crevices and crannies, which is a gleaming cabbage, bursting with strength and just ready to pick.
Imaginaos entonces cuánto más terrible tiene que parecer la montaña veteada y esférica, maravillosamente rayada de morado brillante, rodeada de una cresta verde y mullida y con dobleces que forman grietas y hendiduras, que es una col reluciente rebosante de vigor, lista para ser cosechada.
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