Traduzione per "that were girls" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
There were 1,135,000 boys and girls enrolled in secondary schools at the beginning of the 2007/2008 school year, of whom 49 per cent were girls.
En ese mismo momento había 1.135.000 chicos y chicas matriculados en escuelas de enseñanza secundaria, de los que un 49% eran mujeres.
The total number of students in the first four grades of the special primary schools was 208, of whom 76 were girls; 204 students managed to graduate from the grade, of whom 75 are girls.
El número total de estudiantes en los cuatro primeros grados de las escuelas primarias especiales era de 208, de ellos 76 chicas; 204 estudiantes consiguieron graduarse, de ellos 75 chicas.
In private school, there were 23.236 students (of which 10.989 were girls, covering 47,11% and 12.337 were boys, covering 52,89%).
Del total de alumnos, 23.236 asistían a escuelas privadas (de los que 10.989, un 47,11%, eran chicas y 12.337, un 52,89%, eran chicos).
Corresponding percentages for grade 7 were lower: 0.6 per cent and 0.3 per cent (67 per cent of those who reported they were treated for eating disorders were girls, 33 per cent were boys).
Los porcentajes correspondientes en el grado 7 eran más bajos: 0,6 y 0,3% (el 67% de los que dijeron que recibían tratamiento por trastornos de la alimentación eran chicas y el 33% eran chicos).
In 1995, children receiving child welfare measures constituted 27.8 per 1,000 of all children in Norway; 31.1 per 1,000 were boys and 25.2 per 1,000 were girls.
En 1995 los niños que eran objeto de medidas de asistencia representaban el 27,8‰ del total de niños que hay en Noruega; el 31,1‰ eran chicos y el 25,2‰ eran chicas.
In addition, 48 per cent of secondary school students were girls, and some university faculties had more girls than boys.
De esta forma el 48% de los estudiantes universitarios y de bachillerato son chicas, y en determinadas facultades son más numerosas que los chicos.
Also girls—but they were peasants—but they were girls.
También chicas, que eran campesinas pero aun así eran chicas.
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