Traduzione per "that we join" a spagnolo
That we join
Esempi di traduzione.
I ask that we join together as one.
Les pido que nos unamos como uno.
I suggest that we join these people at their meeting
Sugiero que nos unamos a esta gente en su reunión
I'm asking you, delegates of all the countries in the world that we join together to destroy the fences that keep us apart.
Los pido señores delegados de todos los Países del mondo. que nos unamos para derivar das bardas que nos separan.
For now, it is important that we join Jaga on the flight deck.
Porahora,es importante que nos unamos a Jaga en la cubierta.
Beenay asked. “That we join the Apostles?”
—preguntó Beenay—. ¿Que nos unamos a los Apóstoles?
If they see us, they'll insist that we join them."
Si nos ven, insistirán para que nos unamos a ellos.
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