Traduzione per "that was restore" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
In restoring confidence, global coordination was needed.
Para restaurar la confianza era necesaria una coordinación mundial.
2. Restoration of the activities of political parties;
2. Restaurar el funcionamiento de los partidos políticos;
Others have moved to restore their democratic roots.
Otros han decidido restaurar sus raíces democráticas.
The democratic Government will be restored.
Se restaurará el Gobierno democrático.
- Reconstruction (restoration) of natural ecosystems;
- Reconstruir (restaurar) los ecosistemas naturales;
- Conservation and restoration of biotopes;
- Conservar y restaurar los biotopos;
Essential civil order will be restored.
Se restaurará el orden civil esencial.
This work will help to restore the family.
Este trabajo ayudará a restaurar la familia.
A family cannot be restored to stability piecemeal.
No se puede restaurar gradualmente la estabilidad de una familia.
Restore the Radiants.
Restaurar a los Radiantes.
To restore communism?
¿Restaurar el comunismo?
To restore the gods.
Restaurar a los dioses.
What shall he restore?
¿Qué es lo que ha de restaurar?
It was like restoring a life.
Fue como restaurar una vida.
Next, you will restore it.
A continuación lo restaurarás.
Or that it was going to be restored.
Ni tampoco que la iban a restaurar.
They could not restore life.
Ellos no podían restaurar la vida.
Could Paranor be restored;
¿Podrían restaurar Paranor?
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