Traduzione per "that many" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
My fellow citizens were deeply troubled by the ruin of so many efforts of development, the failure of so many attempts at reconciliation.
Mis compatriotas se han sentido anonadados por la ruina de tantos esfuerzos de desarrollo, por el fracaso de tantos esfuerzos de reconciliación.
There are so many of them, just everywhere.
Hay tantas, en todas partes.
On this issue, the Council met so many times, on such and such dates; on that issue, so many times, on such and such dates.
Sobre esta cuestión, el Consejo se reunió tantas veces y en tales fechas; sobre esa cuestión, lo hizo tantas veces y en tales fechas.
Add as many rows as necessary.
Añada tantas filas como sea necesario.
There are as many answers as there are places in the world.
Hay tantas respuestas como lugares hay en el mundo.
There are simply not that many sites available.
Simplemente no se dispone de tantos sitios.
We have so many things.
Tenemos tantas cosas.
This many complaints, that many prosecutions.
Tantas denuncias, tantos procesamientos.
- Yes, yes, many, many!
—¡Sí, sí, tantas, tantas!
So many this and so many that.
Tantos esto y tantos aquello.
So many things, so many inconstants, so many variables.
Tantos elementos, tantas incógnitas, tantas variables.
There had been so many witnesses, so many.
Habían habido tantos, tantos testigos.
So many places, so many names…
Tantos lugares, tantos nombres…
So many sutras, so many prophesies.
Tantos sutras, tantas profecías.
Not that many tattoos.
No es que muchos tatuajes.
We can't just control that many.
No podemos controlar que muchos.
- That's not that many.
- Eso no es que muchos.
One that many consider superfluous
Que muchos consideran superflua
- And who has that many?
- Y quien tiene que muchos?
If I lost that many,
! Si he perdido que muchos,
- That many, yeah.
- - Que muchos, sí.
Who needs that many shoes?
¿Quién necesita que muchos zapatos?
Can't be that many.
No puede ser que muchos.
Some said that many were quitting
Dicen que muchos estan abandonando.
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