Traduzione per "that brought with me" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
The only book I brought with me.
El único libro que me traje conmigo.
I have nothing to wear but what I brought with me.
No tengo nada que ponerme excepto lo que traje conmigo.
They were in the round-topped truck I brought with me, remember?
Estaban en el baúl de tapa redonda que traje conmigo. ¿Te acuerdas?
There are two excellent men whom I brought with me from Abu Naskos.
—Hay dos hombres excelentes que traje conmigo desde Abu Naskos.
and the one whom I brought with me said his errand was important to the point of terrible urgency.
y el que traje conmigo dijo que su encargo era importante al punto de la urgencia terrible.
Then, wearying of my narration, I said, “But you have the wax tablets wliich I brought with me.
Por último, cansado de hablar, dije: —Ya tenéis las tablillas de cera que traje conmigo.
We pack our bags. I wrap a scarf around my camera and the few rolls of film I brought with me.
Hacemos las maletas y envuelvo con una bufanda la cámara y los pocos carretes que traje conmigo.
I have convinced my aunt and uncle that Moko is an expert carpenter whom I brought with me from Kamakura at my father's suggestion.
He convencido a mis tíos de que Moko es un experto carpintero que traje conmigo de Kamakura por sugerencia de mi padre.
“I’ve told them,” Ivan murmured, “that the language you speak is an obscure dialect from the Carpathians. And that you’re a friend I brought with me.
–Les he dicho -musitó Iván- que el idioma que hablas es un oscuro dialecto que se habla en los Cárpatos y que eres una amiga que traje conmigo.
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