Traduzione per "talks to himself" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
He talks to himself an awful lot.
Habla consigo mismo una barbaridad
He's talking to himself all the time now.
Habla consigo mismo todo el tiempo.
-He's always talking to himself.
- Siempre habla consigo mismo.
It’s not unusual for Camille to talk to himself out loud.
No es extraño que Camille hable consigo mismo en voz alta.
He sounds as though he’s talking to himself, but in fact he is addressing them.
Parece que hable consigo mismo, pero se dirige a los policías.
He has a remote and lonely look in his eye and he talks to himself and doesn’t care if people see it.”
Tiene una expresión remota y solitaria en la mirada y habla consigo mismo sin que le importe si la gente lo ve.
He was content, before that man Smythe came, but ever since then Papa has been brooding and silent, except for when he talks to himself.
Se sentía contento antes de que ese Smythe viniera, pero desde entonces papá ha estado malhumorado y silencioso, excepto cuando habla consigo mismo.
He didn't panic, and he didn't talk to himself, and he didn't concoct crazy complicated schemes that would have forced Parker to kill him.
No le entró el pánico, ni habló consigo mismo, y no tramó complicados y alocados planes que hubieran obligado a Parker a matarle.
Steve said, "Prisoner's been behaving himself the last couple of days, sits on his bunk and talks to himself mostly.
—El preso ha estado reportándose durante estos dos últimos días —explicó Steve—. Permanece sentado en su litera y habla consigo mismo la mayor parte del tiempo.
But a lot of the lads say he talks to himself when he doesn’t think anyone’s listening, like he’s having a conversation with someone only he can see.
Pero muchos de los muchachos dicen que habla consigo mismo cuando cree que nadie escucha, como si estuviera manteniendo una conversación con alguien que sólo él puede ver.
He did not talk about himself.
No le habló de sí mismo.
And Mauri talks about himself.
Y Mauri habla de sí mismo.
—Doesn’t he talk about himself to you?
—¿No te habla de sí mismo?
And how he talked about himself!
¡Y cómo habló de sí mismo!
In Chinese Johnny talked to himself.
Johnny habló para sí mismo en chino.
Why did he talk to himself about it?
¿Por qué se habló a sí mismo del cuadro?
Actually Abelove won't talk about himself.
En realidad, Abelove no habla de sí mismo.
He simply won’t talk about himself or his background.
Nunca habla de sí mismo ni de sus ocupaciones.
He talks to himself an instant in his native tongue.
Habla para sí mismo un instante en su lengua nativa.
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