Traduzione per "sunlight" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Sunlight. Where am I going to get sunlight?”
Luz del sol. ¿De dónde voy a sacar luz del sol?
However, the sunlight didn't.
Pero la luz del sol no.
The sunlight was the sunlight of forty years before.
La luz del sol era la de cuarenta años antes.
The sunlight sparkled.
Centelleaba la luz del sol.
the sunlight stunned;
la luz del sol aturdía;
The sunlight returned.
La luz del sol regresó.
Do not expose to direct sunlight.
No exponer al sol.
Trees and sunlight...
Árboles y sol.
Sunlight bothering' you?
¿El sol te molesta?
- You need sunlight, girl.
- Necesitas sol, chica.
It's just sunlight!
¡Es sólo el sol!
There's still sunlight.
Aún hay sol.
You are sunlight
Eres el sol.
It was yawning in the sunlight.
Estaba bostezando al sol.
It glinted in the sunlight. "No!"
El sol se reflejaba en ella. —¡No!
They flashed in the sunlight.
Relumbraban al sol.
sunlight or shadows .
¿estaba al sol o a la sombra…?
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