Traduzione per "subject to time" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
It is subject to time and then replaced by some other purpose.
Está sujeto al tiempo y termina cediendo su lugar a algún otro propósito.
Everything seems to be subject to time, yet it all happens in the Now.
Todo parece estar sujeto al tiempo y, no obstante, todo sucede en el Ahora.
The ego on which we lavished so much attention was ephemeral, because it was subject to time.
El ego al que tanta atención concedíamos era efímero, porque estaba sujeto al tiempo.
When consciousness becomes the manifested universe, it appears to be subject to time and to undergo an evolutionary process.
Cuando la conciencia se manifiesta a través del universo, parece sujeta al tiempo y al proceso evolutivo.
It is subject to time and then replaced by some other purpose.
Está sujeto al tiempo y termina cediendo su lugar a algún otro propósito.
Everything seems to be subject to time, yet it all happens in the Now.
Todo parece estar sujeto al tiempo y, no obstante, todo sucede en el Ahora.
The ego on which we lavished so much attention was ephemeral, because it was subject to time.
El ego al que tanta atención concedíamos era efímero, porque estaba sujeto al tiempo.
When consciousness becomes the manifested universe, it appears to be subject to time and to undergo an evolutionary process.
Cuando la conciencia se manifiesta a través del universo, parece sujeta al tiempo y al proceso evolutivo.
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