Traduzione per "stunning" a spagnolo
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Esempi di traduzione.
You're stunning, darling.
Eres maravillosa, cariño.
Well, you look stunning.
Te ves maravillosa.
What stunning visions!
Que vista maravillosa!
You look stunning, Detective.
Luce maravillosa, Detective.
Mrs. Hudson, you look... stunning.
Sra. Hudson hoy usted está maravillosa.
Another beautiful... stunning, absolutely stunning.
Otro hermoso... Maravilloso. Absolutamente maravilloso.
Yes, it's stunning.
Sí, es maravillosa.
- I think the paintings are stunning.
- Las pinturas son maravillosas.
Isn't it stunning?
¿No es maravilloso?
The city was stunned, dream-white.
La ciudad era maravillosa, oníricamente blanca.
I was stunned. “Actually, that’s a wonderful idea.”
Me quedé pasmada. —Me parece una idea maravillosa.
The necklace was stunning, “an estate piece.” Alonso paid for it.
El collar era maravilloso, una «pieza de colección». Alonso lo pagó.
There was a stunned silence, then, "Really? That's-that's wonderful."
Se produjo un silencio de sorpresa. -¿En serio? -dijo después de un instante-. Es... es maravilloso.
Tempting smile. She was stunning, and she was suddenly walking toward him.
Sonrisa tentadora. Estaba maravillosa y de pronto caminó hacia él.
Lastly, Magali Villeneuve’s Heralds Pailiah and Kelek are stunning and wonderful.
Por último, los Heraldos Pailiah y Kelek de Magali Villeneuve son imponentes y maravillosos.
Sadie, you look stunning.
Sadie, te ves estupenda.
- Stunning creatures, sea lions.
Qué estupendas criaturas.
- Absolutely stunning...fantastic! .
- Es estupenda... ¡fantástica!
You look stunning, Vlenko.
Estás estupendo, Vlenko.
This stunning belt buckle.
Esta estupenda hebilla.
- You look stunning.
- Te ves estupenda.
No, these are stunning.
Esas son estupendas.
Meadow, you look stunning.
Meadow, te ves estupenda.
The stunning conclusion.
La estupenda conclusión.
Oh, she is stunning.
Oh, ella está estupenda.
It was colossal, stunning.
Era sencilla mente colosal, estupendo.
It was a stunning Sunday afternoon.
Hacía una tarde de domingo estupenda.
‘It’ll look stunning against the pearly texture of the ash.’
Quedarán estupendos contra la textura perlada del ceniza.
Beatrice will be even more beautiful than her mother, who is a stunning woman.
Beatrice será aún más guapa que su madre, que es una mujer estupenda.
She was definitely stunning to look at, even in dirty jeans and work boots.
Estaba sencillamente estupenda, incluso con los tejanos sucios y las viejas botas.
"He was a stunning chap last time I saw him.—Excuse me if I've put my foot in it;
La última vez que lo vi me pareció un tipo estupendo.
In it, Pitchley wore black tie and he posed with a stunning brunette on his arm.
Pitchley llevaba una corbata negra y posaba cogido del brazo de una morena estupenda.
THE Night Tripper stared at the stunning female beauty that now adorned the walls of his outer office.
El Noctámbulo contempló la estupenda belleza de mujer que ahora decoraba las paredes de su antedespacho.
Thanks to James Porto, the creative genius behind my books’ stunning cover art.
También quiero agradecer a James Porto, el genial creativo encargado de las estupendas portadas de mis libros.
Their accuracies are just stunning.
Su precisión es simplemente pasmosa.
The y'v e written some stunning books.
Han escrito libros pasmosos.
And then the even more stunning thing.
Y después, lo más pasmoso.
It was stunning news, really.
Era una noticia pasmosa, realmente.
Stunning desolation washed over him.
Una pasmosa desolación lo invadió.
Nogusha attacked with stunning speed.
Nogusha atacó con velocidad pasmosa.
The Krikkit attack on the Galaxy had been stunning.
El ataque de Krikkit contra la Galaxia había sido pasmoso.
The stunned silence lasted only a moment.
El pasmoso silencio duró solo un instante.
It was a short fall, and a stunning sense of cold.
A la breve caída siguió una pasmosa sensación de frío.
The domestic total collected by the NSA is equally stunning.
El total interno reunido por la NSA es igualmente pasmoso.
Freddy had recovered from Jump shock with stunning speed.
Freddy se había recuperado de la conmoción del Salto con pasmosa velocidad.
A heart is stunned by another.
«Un corazón aturde a otro».
“Are they stunned by light, Ian?”
—¿Los aturde la luz, Ian?
Stun anyone who tries to exit.
Aturda a todo el que intente salir.
It is just light, but it stuns you.
Se trata sólo de luz, pero te aturde.
The radiators put up a stunning dry heat.
Los radiadores producen un calor seco que aturde.
Stun him and he’ll crush half the castle—” “HAGGER?”
¡Si lo aturdes destrozará el castillo! —¿JAGI?
Geraldine is the brute god who stuns, rapes, and abandons.
Geraldine es el dios brutal que aturde, viola y abandona.
The red and brown and yellow and coral palette stuns him with its beauty.
La paleta de colores −azul, marrón, amarillo y coral− lo aturde con su belleza.
You stun him with the blow of a long, strong stick, and then put your foot on his heart.
Se lo aturde de un golpe con una vara larga y resistente, y luego se le pisa el corazón.
Breaking their necks won't kill them, of course, but it stuns them and allows you to do the staking before they can make any noise.
Romperles el cuello no los mata, por supuesto, pero los aturde y te permite utilizar la estaca antes de que hagan ruido.
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