Traduzione per "stroke of an oar" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
peddlers call their wares in rhythm with the stroke of their oars.
los buhoneros pregonan sus mercancías al ritmo de los golpes de remo.
A few strokes of the oar brought the settlers to the mouth of the Mercy.
Unos cuantos golpes de remo llevaron a los colonos a la desembocadura del río de la Merced.
Within a dozen strokes of our oars we were at full ramming speed.
Tras una docena de golpes de remo, alcanzamos la máxima velocidad de ataque.
But they only bound him the tighter, and rowed on with great strokes of their oars.
Mas ellos no hicieron otra cosa que apretar los nudos y seguir avanzando con grandes golpes de remo.
Arren took three great strokes with the oars, and lightly Lookfar came up on the sand.
Arren dio tres vigorosos golpes de remo y Miralejos se posó ligeramente sobre la arena.
A crap slid slowly, with small strokes of the oar, towards the broad port of Panama, no longer illuminated.
Un esquife deslizábase lentamente, con pequeños golpes de remo, hacia el amplio puerto de Panamá.
A few strokes of the oar brought the canoe into a little creek, and its passengers leaped on shore.
Después de unos cuantos golpes de remo, la piragua tocó tierra en una pequeña ensenada y los pasajeros saltaron a la playa.
The skiff rocked on the water, moving swiftly downriver as the Wildrunners took long and powerful strokes on the oars.
El esquife se balanceó en el agua, descendiendo veloz por el río gracias a los potentes golpes de remo que daban los Montaraces.
The two launches proceeded with slow, steady strokes of the oars, on a parallel course, five metres apart. CHAPTER 29
Las dos lanchas, a golpes de remo regulares, despaciosos, avanzaban paralelas observando entre sí una distancia de cinco metros. 29
The sea, too, as though in honor of the Sabbath, had put on a mottled satin appearance, and at every stroke of the oar pearls sparkled in the sun.
También el mar, como en honor del domingo, se había vestido de tornasolado satén, y, a cada golpe de remo, refulgían perlas al sol.
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