Traduzione per "street-light" a spagnolo
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He stated that he was able to recognize the author as the street light in front of the house illuminated the entrance where the three men were standing, and that he saw the author firing at Michael Demercado.
Declaró que pudo reconocer al autor porque la luz de la calle frente a la casa iluminaba la entrada donde estaban parados los tres hombres, y que vio al autor disparar a Michael Demercado.
Rafael Hart further testified that he was with both men for about 13 minutes and that, aided by street lights shining into the living room and by the light of the burning newspaper, he had every opportunity to observe the author's face.
Rafael Hart declaró, además, que estuvo con los dos hombres unos 13 minutos y que, gracias a las luces de la calle que entraban en la sala y a la luz de la llama del periódico, pudo observar claramente la cara del autor.
In the street light the building was familiar.
A la luz de la calle, el edificio le resultaba familiar.
The sign is right next to the street light.
La placa indicadora está fuera del foco de luz de la calle.
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