Traduzione per "spool-out" a spagnolo
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With regular bites, she was shaping a spool out of the apple core.
A mordiscos regulares, Hillela estaba moldeando un carrete con el corazón de la manzana.
She waited for the kitten to finish her meal, then rolled the spool out onto the balcony.
Esperó a que la gata acabara de comer y entonces hizo rodar el carrete hasta el balcón.
I press a button marked Adrian or Veronica, the tape runs, the usual stuff spools out.
Aprieto un botón en el que pone Adrian o Verónica, la cinta gira, se desenrolla el carrete habitual.
Saeed bought a simple fishing rod, available for a less exorbitant price because its reel was broken and the line had to be spooled out and pulled back in by hand.
Said compró una sencilla caña de pescar a un precio no exorbitante, debido a que tenía el carrete roto y había que sacar y recoger el sedal a mano.
The relativists are excited about stuff coming in which is so technical that it has to be retransmitted and confirmed before it is released-this with Janet Meers standing behind you and trying to snatch spools out of the recorder. Mr.
Los relativistas están tan excitados con el material que llega, que es tan técnico que tiene que ser retransmitido y confirmado antes que pueda ser publicado; eso con Janet Meers de pie, detrás de uno, y tratando de arrancar los carretes del aparato.
There’d been these golden years, just after Curnsbick patented his spinning engine, when yarn came spooling out of the new manufactories so cheap they were giving it away, and weavers were suddenly in high demand.
Hubo unos años dorados, justo después de que Curnsbick patentara su máquina de hilar, cuando los carretes salían de las factorías tan deprisa que casi los regalaban, y de pronto hubo una gran demanda de tejedores.
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