Traduzione per "sparklingly" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
- They aren't sparklingly normal as it is.
Esos chicos no están brillantemente normales.
And she, in her unjaded enjoyment of them, would make me see them, too, as if they were sparklingly novel and exotic.
Y ella, en su incansable regocijo, hacía que yo viera esas cosas, también, como s; fueran brillantemente novedosas y exóticas.
He could not be said to look sparklingly well — that would never be the case — but neither did he look like a man who had only recently been frozen, and before that, technically, deceased.
No se podía decir que tuviera un aspecto lozano y chispeante, ese nunca sería el caso, pero tampoco parecía un hombre al que habían congelado no hace mucho y que antes de eso había estado muerto, técnicamente hablando.
I am writing to you from my windmill, with the door wide open to the brilliant sunshine. In front of me, a lovely, sparklingly lit, pine wood plunges down to the bottom of the hill. The nearest mountains, the Alpilles, are far away, their grand silhouettes pressing against the sky…. There was hardly a sound to be heard;
Os escribo desde ella, con la puerta de par en par, y un sol espléndido. Un lindo bosque de pino, chispeante de luces, baja ante mí hasta el pie del repecho. En el horizonte destácanse las agudas cresterías de los Alpilles. No se oye ruido alguno.
This is another ominous reminder of how financially desperate people are, and that the only tool they have to raise themselves up the economic ladder is their sparklingly upbeat reputation with its fake flawless surface—which only adds to their ceaseless worry, their endless need to be liked, liked, liked.
Otro inquietante recordatorio de la desesperación por las finanzas de la gente y de que la única herramienta de la que disponen para ascender por la escalera económica es su chispeante y optimista reputación, con su falsa e impoluta apariencia… algo que únicamente intensifica la incesante preocupación, la infinita necesidad de gustar, gustar, gustar.
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