Traduzione per "soon soon" a spagnolo
Soon soon
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And soon... soon we can go traveling together.
Y pronto... pronto podremos viajar juntos.
You will understand soon... soon now.
Lo vas a entender muy pronto ... pronto ahora.
Soon soon you will regain your full strength.
Pronto... pronto recuperaras toda tu fuerza.
Soon... Soon he'll be worthy of the Truth
Pronto... pronto será merecedor... de la Verdad.
That also soon, soon.
Eso también pronto, pronto.
Soon, soon it will bloom, Come on, rise, the worker!
Pronto, pronto amanecerá. ¡En pié, trabajador!
I'll soon... soon I shall be one of them...
Pronto ... Pronto voy a ser uno de ellos ...
But soon, soon with luck, sincerity and steadfast voting, it may become a reality.
Pero pronto, pronto, con suerte, sinceridad y firmes votaciones, podría convertirse en realidad.
It will scan all the cobwebs of Paradise , soon, soon.
Iremos juntas a barrer las telarañas del cielo, pronto, pronto.
Soon, soon, is your mother coming home?
"Pronto, pronto, ¿tu mamá está viniendo a casa?"
And soon . soon he will show himself to me!
Y pronto… ¡pronto se manifestará ante mí!
"Soon, soon," said Prentiss nervously.
Pronto, pronto —respondió nervioso Prentiss.
Soon, soon, I decided, it would have to rain.
Pronto, pronto, decidí, tendría que llover.
This piece mandarin go back soon-soon.
Gran mandarín se marcha pronto, pronto.
“Oh, soon, soon—that’s what the spirits say.”
—Oh, pronto, pronto..., eso dicen los espíritus.
Already the winds are rising. Soon. Soon. Day 112
Los vientos ya ululan. Pronto. Pronto. Día 112:
Soon . soon ... as soon as this service was over she was going to do it.
Pronto… pronto… tan pronto como terminase el servicio lo haría.
“Let me show you the mountains.” “Soon, soon,” she murmured.
«Déjame que te enseñe las montañas.» «Pronto, pronto», murmuraba Maryna.
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