Traduzione per "something that going" a spagnolo
Something that going
Esempi di traduzione.
The difficulty is not usually in seeing that something is going wrong, but in saying why it is going wrong and in showing that trade and related interventions will cure it.
El problema no suele ser advertir que algo va mal, sino señalar por qué va mal y demostrar que las intervenciones en el comercio y otras intervenciones conexas lo arreglarán.
But I have something that's going to cheer you up.
Pero tengo algo que va a animarte.
I'm anticipating something that's going to be very tough.
Preveo algo que va a ser muy difícil.
Something that's going to make Alvin very happy.
Algo que va a hacer a Alvin muy feliz.
Something that's going to be important for all of us.
Algo que va a ser importante para todos nosotros.
Something that's going to fix everything.
Algo que va a arreglar todo.
I gotta say something that's going to be a bit controversial.
Tengo que decir algo, que va a ser polémico.
Daddy... we have something that's going to make you very happy.
Papi tenemos algo que va a hacerte muy feliz.
I'm talking about something that's going to happen.
Estoy hablando de algo que va a pasar.
Something that's going to kill many, many people.
Algo que va a matar a mucha, mucha gente.
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