Traduzione per "soft lights" a spagnolo
Soft lights
Esempi di traduzione.
- He insisted on soft light.
- Pidió luz suave.
Japanese like the soft light
Los japoneses prefieren la luz suave al cegador brillo del sol
He needs soft light.
Necesita luz suave.
I need no soft lights
No necesito luces suaves
It's a soft light, reduces the ugliness.
Es luz suave, reduce la fealdad.
Soft light, sweet music... darling.
Luz suave, buena música... Querida.
Very sharp light, very soft light
Una luz suave pero con contraste.
Did you order the soft lights especially for the occasion?
¿Ordenó las luces suaves especialmente para la ocasión?
Soft light. What if that's what Dr Banton was looking for?
Luz suave. ¿Era eso lo que buscaba el Dr. Banton?
The props go here. The soft light goes here.
El atrezzo va allí, la luz suave va ahí.
Soft light but no shadows.
Luz suave pero sin sombras.
Soft light and music.
Música y luz suave.
“That same…softlight…”
—La misma… luzsuave
Soft light washed the room.
Una luz suave llenó la habitación.
The soft light of his infinite Heaven.
La luz suave de su cielo infinito.
I got up and put on a soft light.
Me levanté y encendí una luz suave.
It was as if she were being bathed with soft light.
Era como si estuviera siendo bañada con una luz suave.
a soft light coming from the back.
de la parte trasera llegaba una luz suave.
The soft light warmed everything it touched.
La luz suave calentaba todo aquello que tocaba.
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