Traduzione per "singing was" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
The children were also forced to sing a song in praise of border police and were laughed at.
Obligaron también a los muchachos a cantar una canción de elogio a la policía de fronteras, y luego se rieron de ellos.
A feeble attempt at singing the national anthem quickly died.
Un débil intento de cantar el himno nacional no llegó a prosperar.
Children have an opportunity to give recitals, read poems and sing on live television broadcasts.
En él los niños pueden recitar poemas y cantar en directo.
One after the other, they were interrogated by police, forced to sing and dance and beaten with a stick.
Uno tras otro, los estudiantes fueron interrogados por la policía, obligados a cantar y bailar y golpeados con una vara.
We believe that someone who whistles is also willing to sing.
Estimamos que alguien que silba demuestra que también quiere cantar.
Every nation likes to sing its own song.
A cada nación le gusta cantar su propia canción.
Travelling and exploring, singing from country to country.
Viajar y explorar, cantar de un país a otro.
18. Haitian performer, Emeline Michel, was invited to sing in an informal component of the meeting.
Se invitó a la artista haitiana, Emeline Michel, a cantar en un componente informal de la reunión.
Some musicians had allegedly been threatened with arrest for singing in Tamazight.
Se ha amenazado con arrestar a jóvenes músicos por cantar en tamazigh.
Whenever they stopped singing, he allegedly beat them until they resumed.
Supuesta-mente, cada vez que dejaban de cantar los golpeaba hasta que reanudaban el canto.
I thought singing was a joyous expression of the soul.
Creía que cantar era una expresión alegre del alma.
The one who loved steak and thought singing was gay.
El que amaba los filetes y pensaba que cantar era gay.
I'm a pastor's kid, so, naturally, music was a big part of my everyday life, and I had no idea that singing was my thing.
Soy el hijo de un pastor, así que, la música ha sido parte de mi vida cada día, no tenía ni idea de que cantar era lo mío.
What you meant to say was that Singing was your entire life besides me.
Lo que quisiste decir era que cantar era tu vida entera aparte de mí.
When I was a child, everyone told me that singing was my destiny, but ... I said that would make a career in film.
Cuando era niña, todos me decían que cantar era mi destino, pero... yo decía que haría carrera en el cine.
Singing was their hobby.
Cantar era su pasatiempo.
‘They forced us to sing for them.’ ‘To sing?’
Nos obligaban a cantar para ellos. —¿A cantar?
For the hootenannies." "Sing," Hickory said. "Yes, sing,"
Para Los Hootenanners. —¿Cantar? —dijo Hickory. —Sí, cantar.
Sing?” “Shall he sing his songs, father”
—¿Cantar? —¿Le hacemos cantar sus canciones, padre?
And the Whos would start singing! They’d sing!
¡y se pondrían a entonar sus cantos! ¡Y empezarían a cantar! ¡A cantar!
and when I'm melancholy, you may sing to me." "Sing?"
Y, cuando me sienta melancólica, puedes cantar para mí. —¿Cantar?
If I wanted to sing, I could sing well.
Si quería cantar, podía cantar bien.
Sings to its own harm.
a menudo su mal se canta.
The traditional Festival of Singing is a complex event.
* El Festival tradicional de canto es un acontecimiento complejo.
And the songs that my people sing
de las canciones que canta mi pueblo
Canta (solo, coro, karaoke)a
Thirtysix singing and dancing groups.
36 grupos de canto y danza;
Music and singing
Música y canto
One in 3 sings in a choir or a band, takes singing lessons, or plays an instrument.
Uno de cada tres canta en un coro o banda, recibe clases de canto o toca un instrumento.
Music and singing, fine arts
Maestros de música y canto y de artes plásticas
The singing was terrible.
El canto era terrible.
Singing was her major.
El canto era su especialidad.
If singing was my identity...
Si el canto era mi identidad ...
My singing was the only thing keeping mother's spirit alive, And now she's gone forever.
Mi canto era la única cosa que mantenía el espíritu de mamá vivo, y ahora se ha ido para siempre.
The singing was just for research.
El canto era sólo para la investigación.
What sings the princess, what sings?
—¿Qué canta la princesa, qué canta?
Sing, Froid, sing transitive!
¡Canta, Froid, canta transitivo!
Sing, Chaud, sing intransitive!
¡Canta, Chaud, canta intransitivo!
Sing up, my lad, sing up.
Canta, muchachito, canta.
Sing, girl, sing as you know how.”
Canta, niña, canta como tú sabes.
They sing of this horse as they sing of Hail. I know.
Se canta sobre ese caballo como se cantó sobre Granizo. Lo sé.
The singing came again, that thin, ethereal singing.
Volvió el canto, ese canto etéreo, suave.
"Sing, Dan," said Leventhal. "Sing a psalm. I don't object to your singing.
Canta, Dan —dijo Leventhal. —Cante un salmo. No pongo reparos a que cante.
the goldfinch that sings at dawn sings for itself;
El jilguero que canta antes del amanecer, canta en su propio nombre.
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