Traduzione per "short and thin" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
He was short and thin, despite his name.
Era bajo y delgado, a pesar de su nombre.
He's short and thin. Might be Coulter.
—Es bajo y delgado. Podría ser Coulter.
The blonde guy stood up. He was short and thin.
El tipo rubio se paró. Era bajo y delgado.
He was short and thin, with a yellowish pallor and a scraggly beard that grew thicker on his neck than his chin. “I’m Julian,”
Era bajo y delgado, tenía el cutis amarillento y una barba desaliñada más espesa en el cuello que en la barbilla. —Soy Julian —dijo—.
Short and thin, he had fair hair, an unhealthy complexion, small grey eyes which wandered uneasily from object to object, and pale lips which maintained a restless twitching.
Bajo y delgado, tenía el pelo claro, la tez enfermiza, pequeños ojos grises que vagaban incómodamente de objeto en objeto, y unos labios pálidos que se crispaban constantemente sin descanso.
He was short and thin, and his wide eyes, magnified by a pair of hornrimmed glasses, peered intently over a large Roman nose, giving him the look of an undernourished owl about to strike.
Era bajo y delgado, y sus grandes ojos, magnificados por unos anteojos con montura de carey, atisbaban con atención sobre una gran nariz romana, lo cual le daba el aspecto de un búho desnutrido a punto de atacar.
One was tall and fat, the other short and thin, but they were dressed identically in gray three-piece suits, Stetson hats, and black shoes polished to a high shine. They looked as though they might have just walked off the set of the new TV show The Untouchables, which is to say, they looked like Phil’s father, who had become so rigid, narrow-minded, and conservative that Phil had not seen him for years—in fact not since the end of World War II, when they had fought over the morality of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. (According to Edgar, the slant-eyeds had it coming to them.)
Uno era alto y gordo, el otro bajo y delgado, contraste que sus ropas idénticas acentuaban. Los dos llevaban trajes grises, sombreros de fieltro y zapatos negros lustrados, como los Intocables, cuyos primeros episodios se pasaban en la tele, y como su padre, que se había vuelto tan obtuso, rígido y conservador que ya no lo veía desde hacía muchos años; desde Hiroshima precisamente, ya que Edgar no admitía que su hijo desaprobara el enérgico «disparo de intimidación» contra los japoneses.
Big arms, thick calves, a bun of hair, her short nose thin and red.
Tenía los brazos grandes, las pantorrillas gruesas, el pelo recogido en un moño, la corta nariz delgada y roja.
Candy was wearing short shorts, a thin white T-shirt, and silver sandals, and heads had turned when she walked down the hall.
Candy llevaba shorts muy cortos, una delgada camiseta blanca y un par de sandalias plateadas; varias cabezas se giraron al verla pasar.
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