Traduzione per "settling down" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Settle down to building up a portfolio of property.
Establecerse para construir una cartera de propiedades.
They were nomads who had just begun to settle down.
   Eran nómadas que justo entonces empezaban a establecerse.
Have to settle down sometime, Royal said.
En algún momento tenía que establecerse en alguna parte, dijo Royal.
Any gentleman may leave his studies to settle down.
—Cualquier caballero puede dejar sus estudios para establecerse.
Settle down till trade resumes. Ship out. You?” “About the same.
Establecerse hasta que se reanude el comercio. Y largarnos. ¿Y tú? —Exactamente lo mismo.
The engine surged, and missed, caught again and settled down to its steady idling beat.
El motor vaciló un momento o dos, hasta establecerse en un latido regular.
She would have to settle down with him.
Tendría que instalarse allí con él.
But he couldn’t seem to settle down.
Pero, al parecer, no lograba instalarse.
Give our friends a chance to settle down.
Así nuestros amigos podrán instalarse.
This is the place to settle down and write a book.
Éste es el lugar para instalarse y escribir un libro”.
But they refurbished it before they moved in and settled down to the business of dying.
Pero lo remodelaron por completo antes de trasladarse a él e instalarse para morir.
The men rented chairs and umbrellas and settled down to watch.
Los hombres alquilaban sillas y quitasoles para instalarse a observarlas.
Another way would have been that she had not found anyone to settle down with.
Otro modo sería que no había encontrado a nadie con quien instalarse.
Nobody but a crazy hermit would want to settle down in such a spot.
Solamente un ermitaño loco querría instalarse en un lugar como ese.
He wanted to have done with man, to settle down.
Tenía ganas de abandonar al hombre, dejar de luchar por él e instalarse allí.
She wasn’t a war widow when she came and settled down in Broadhinny.
No era viuda de guerra cuando llegó a Broadhinny a instalarse.
- Settled down, have you?
- Sentar cabeza, eh.
It's time to settle down.
Debes sentar cabeza.
You ought want settle down.
Deberías sentar cabeza.
She wants to settle down.
Quiere sentar cabeza.
I want to settle down.
quiero sentar cabeza.
- You need to settle down.
Necesitas sentar cabeza.
Couldn't settle down.
No podían sentar cabeza.
And I don't feel like settling down.
—Y no tengo intención de sentar cabeza.
You're just the right age to settle down."
Tú tienes la edad justa para sentar cabeza.
So I've got to settle down and be steady.
De modo que tengo que sentar cabeza y ser constante.
I tried to settle down and get cleaned up, but it was no good.
Intenté sentar cabeza y estar limpio, pero no pude.
Never settling down, always on the move, never closing.
Sin sentar cabeza, siempre en movimiento, no cerrando nunca.
They don’t want to settle down—why should they?’ ‘They want men.’
No quieren sentar cabeza… ¿y por qué tienen que hacerlo? —Quieren hombres.
Whether I’d had enough adventure before settling down.
Si había vivido suficientes aventuras antes de sentar cabeza.
You ever going to find a woman and settle down?
¿Cuándo vas a buscar una buena mujer para sentar cabeza?
after all, it was just possible that Rupert would settle down this time.
Después de todo era posible que Rupert se decidiese a sentar cabeza.
“Things won’t settle down.”
—Las cosas no van a calmarse.
It’s not going to settle down for months.
Tardarán meses en calmarse.
It took a while for my chin to settle down.
Mi barbilla tardó un poco en calmarse.
Slowly, mankind appeared to settle down.
Lentamente, la humanidad parecía calmarse.
He settled down and concentrated on his weapon.
Trató de calmarse y se concentró en su arma.
They're just frightened and will settle down soon.
Sólo se han asustado y no tardarán en calmarse.
It took a good thirty seconds for the crowd to settle down.
La gente tardó unos treinta segundos en calmarse.
The puppeteer jerked at the touch, then settled down.
El titerote se estremeció bajo el contacto; luego pareció calmarse.
That was a dangerous thing to do, but when she has a chance to settle down . . .
Hacer eso fue una temeridad, pero cuando ella tenga oportunidad de calmarse
Then to marry and settle down.
Luego a casarse y a echar raíces.
Most men eventually settle down and get married.
Casi todos los hombres acaban por serenarse y casarse.
I often told Mike that’s what he needed, to marry and settle down.’
Solía decir a Mike que lo que a él le convenía era casarse y crearse una estabilidad.
Women like that… they look for certain types. You know, when they start thinking about settling down.
Las mujeres son así… buscan a un cierto tipo de hombres cuando empiezan a pensar en casarse.
Imagine a young man, just out of college but not ready to settle down, who wants to have some sex.
Imaginemos un joven que acaba de terminar sus estudios, pero aún no está preparado para casarse, y que quiere algo de sexo.
And besides, he’s finally going to take a bride and settle down and have his own family.” “So we hope,” Rebecca added. “But they haven’t got a yes out of him yet.”
Y simplemente decidió que no iba a casarse jamás. Tú lo sabes. Rebecca asintió, impaciente, y dijo: —Por eso lo que ha pasado es un regalo del cielo. Ahora tiene que casarse, y con una muchacha de buena familia.
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