Traduzione per "seen than" a spagnolo
Seen than
Esempi di traduzione.
And the placement of the tables was such that one was more often being seen, than seeing.
Y la colocación de las mesas hacía más frecuente ser visto que ver.
Diodorus, who apparently took this description from an eyewitness’s, says it was more magnificent when seen than when described.
Diodoro, que al parecer obtuvo esta descripción de un testigo presencial, afirma que era más soberbio visto que descrito.
It would strike me that with Miss Carver and Hastings up there taking the air and the moonlight, you would run much more chance of being seen than in a nice dark comfortable hall.
Con Miss Carver y Hastings arriba tomando el aire y a la luz de la luna, usted correría mucho más peligro de ser visto que un confortable vestíbulo.
But Stephens had no more business issuing pronouncements on the feasibility of a Nicaragua canal from the little he had seen than had the engineer Horatio Allen from the comforts of his Manhattan office.
Pero Stephens no tenía más capacidad para pronunciarse sobre la viabilidad de construir un canal en Nicaragua con lo poco que había visto que el ingeniero Horatio Allen desde la comodidad de su despacho en Manhattan.
He had others, more magical and private, images less seen than felt, memories kept by his hands, the heat of Cecil, the hair-raising beauty of his skin, of his warm waist under his shirt, and the trail of rough curls leading down from his waist.
Tenía otras, más mágicas y privadas, imágenes menos vistas que sentidas, recuerdos que guardaban sus manos, el calor de Cecil, la espeluznante belleza de su piel, de su cintura húmeda por debajo de la camisa y el rastro de vello rizoso que se internaba hacia abajo.
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