Traduzione per "seeing eye" a spagnolo
Seeing eye
Esempi di traduzione.
I'm the boy's Seeing Eye.
—Soy el Ojo que Ve de este chico.
“Our all-seeing eye in the sky on the project,” Dirk said with a knowing smile.
—Nuestro ojo que ve todo desde el cielo —dijo Dirk con una sonrisa de complicidad.
Each time he took a walk, he felt as though he were leaving himself behind, and by giving himself up to the movement of the streets, by reducing himself to a seeing eye, he was able to escape the obligation to think, and this, more than anything else, brought him a measure of peace, a salutary emptiness within.
Cada vez que daba un paseo se sentía como si se dejara a sí mismo atrás, y entregándose al movimiento de las calles, reduciéndose a un ojo que ve, lograba escapar a la obligación de pensar.
Don’t forget, my field of vision is more limited than yours.’ And at first, when I didn’t know where to look – torn between that living, maritime eye and the dead, magnetic patch – he would have no hesitation in calling me to order: ‘Juan, I’m talking to you with the seeing eye, not the dead one, so please listen and don’t get distracted by the eye that isn’t saying a word.’ Muriel would openly refer to his halved vision, unlike those who draw an awkward veil of silence over any personal defect or disability, however conspicuous and dramatic: people who have had one arm amputated at the shoulder, but who never acknowledge the difficulties they face and do just about everything short of taking up juggling;
Y al principio, cuando mi vista no sabía dónde posarse, dividida mi atención entre el ojo vivo y marítimo y el parche muerto y magnético, no tenía inconveniente en llamarme al orden: «Juan, te estoy hablando con el ojo que ve, no con el difunto, así que haz el favor de escucharme y no distraerte con el que no suelta palabra». Muriel hacía así abierta referencia a su visión demediada, a diferencia de quienes extienden un incómodo velo de silencio sobre cualquier defecto o minusvalía propios, por muy conspicuos y aparatosos que sean: hay mancos desde la altura del hombro que jamás reconocen las dificultades impuestas por la manifiesta falta de un miembro y poco menos que pretenden hacer malabares;
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