Traduzione per "seat next to me" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
You were 5. You were sitting there in the seat next to me and I was just so filled with love for you.
Tenías cinco años y estabas sentada en el asiento a mi lado.
Manny would sleep in the seat next to me.
Manny dormía en el asiento a mi lado.
The seat next to me is absolutely empty..
El asiento a mi lado esta absolutamente vacío.
She was on the seat next to me.
Ella estaba en el asiento a mi lado.
When I got on the plane to Minsk, the guy from the bar wasn't in the seat next to me.
Cuando estaba subiendo al avion hacia Minsk, el hombre del bar no estaba en el asiento a mi lado.
And then we were sitting in the theater, and I realized that the seat next to me was empty.
Y cuando estaba sentado en el cine me di cuenta de que el asiento a mi lado estaba vacío.
Wesley takes a seat next to me, and Dad stands by the door, clearly debating his next move.
Wesley toma asiento a mi lado y papá se para cerca de la puerta, claramente pensando cuál será su próximo movimiento.
Lucas hadn't told her what I truly was—and I realized, as he shifted in his seat next to me, that he was hiding the truth for my protection.
Lucas no le había explicado qué era yo en realidad y, al sentir cómo se removía en su asiento a mi lado, adiviné que le había ocultado la verdad para protegerme.
Helena slid onto a seat next to me and fastened a rose in my shoulder-brooch while she kept the houseslaves running about bringing me wine, warming it, fetching dishes of almonds, then cushions, then a new cup because mine had a minute chip in the glaze...
Tomó asiento a mi lado, encajó una rosa en el broche del hombro de mi túnica e hizo correr de un lado a otro a los esclavos para que me trajeran vino, lo calentaran, prepararan platos con almendras, almohadones, una copa nueva porque el vidriado de la mía tenía una ligera rotura...
He picked up my thoughts, and throughout the journey, for nearly three hours, he sat huddled on the seat next to me with his arm round my shoulder, like a couple of childhood buddies going off together on holiday, and at first he chattered childishly, as though guessing what was in store and trying to secure a reprieve.
El lo comprendió, y en el transcurso del viaje, que duró casi tres horas, se acurrucó en el asiento a mi lado y pasó el brazo por encima de mis hombros, como dos amigos de la infancia que salen juntos a divertirse.
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