Traduzione per "rumples" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Maybe, comrade, he took his jacket off, so that it didn't get rumpled.
Camarada, tal vez se quitó la chaqueta para que no se arrugara.
Don't want to get it rumpled."
No me lo quiero arrugar.
The man could rumple a helmet.
El hombre podía arrugar un yelmo.
Boscombe would then go and rumple up his bed.
Boscombe iría entonces a arrugar la cama.
"Tuck it inside your shirt, Matty, so it won't get rumpled.
—Mételo en la camisa, Mati, así no se arrugará.
Hanging my cheap suit over a chair so it would not become even more rumpled, I stretched out on the floor.
Colgué mi traje barato en una silla para que no se arrugara todavía más y me tumbé en el suelo.
The Cavaliere’s footmen, reluctant to rumple their maroon traveling livery, hung back and fussed with their own compact belongings.
Los servidores del Cavaliere, reacios a arrugar sus libreas marrones de viaje, se hacían los remolones y se afanaban con sus propias y concisas pertenencias.
they let their skirts be rumpled, their tears be drawn, longed for and dreaded it, and, prey to the conflicting feelings to which their burning struggle abandoned them, they swayed with all their weight toward him.
se dejaban arrugar la falda, sacar lágrimas, lo esperaban y le temían y, presa de sentimientos encontrados cuyo conflicto ardiente las dejaba azoradas, oscilaban con todo su peso hacia él.
Wearing a traveling greatcoat merely draped over his shoulders, impeccably dressed beneath it, despite the fact that he'd been traveling and that tended to rumple even the best materials, he cut a dashing figure.
Con la capa de viaje dejada caer sobre los hombros y vestido de forma impecable, a pesar del viaje, lo cual solía arrugar hasta el mejor de los tejidos, tenía una figura imponente.
I soon managed to knock the sparse furniture askew, rumple the bedclothes, spill water everywhere as I revived my balcony foliage, and drop all the clothes I had been wearing onto the floor.
Muy pronto logré mover los escasos muebles, arrugar la ropa de cama, derramar agua por todas partes mientras revivía el follaje del balcón y tirar al suelo la ropa que llevaba puesta.
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