Traduzione per "representing be" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Each sector is represented by ten members nominated by their respective constituencies.
Cada sector elige a los 10 miembros que lo representarán en el Foro.
The aim was for women to represent 33 per cent of the sector by 2015.
El objetivo era que las mujeres representaran el 33% del sector a más tardar en 2015.
Twenty-nine youngsters nationwide were chosen to represent the youth.
Se eligió a 29 jóvenes a nivel nacional para que representaran a la juventud.
National laboratories will represent a key source of information.
Los laboratorios nacionales representarán una fuente esencial de información.
Others challenged the NGOs on whether they fully represented the interests of their constituencies.
Otros dudaron de que las organizaciones no gubernamentales representaran cabalmente los intereses de sus miembros.
These will represent an important part of the implementation of the Convention as a whole.
Estas representarán una parte importante de la aplicación de la Convención en su totalidad.
In the absence of such an agreement, the unions each represent their own members.
De no existir acuerdo, los sindicatos representarán a sus afiliados respectivamente.
These networks will represent a cultural as much as a technological revolution in UNDP.
Esas redes representarán una revolución tanto cultural como tecnológica en el PNUD.
Local councils were established to represent the people in their localities.
Se crearon consejos locales para que representaran a la población de las localidades respectivas.
As if they represented something rather than actually being something. Themselves.
Como si más que ser algo representaran algo. A sí mismas.
The Palestinians were not at first allowed to represent themselves.
Al principio a los palestinos no se les permitió que se representaran a sí mismos.
“Living sculptures, in a way—in this case they are representing scenes from the life of the Roman emperor Caligula.”
En este caso representarán escenas de la vida del emperador romano Calígula.
It was as though they held a meaning, representing a cipher of daily pursuits.
Era como si encerraran algún significado oculto y representaran el código en clave de objetivos cotidianos.
Gentlemen, I have been offered the best lawyers to represent me, and I considered using them.
—Caballeros, me han ofrecido los mejores abogados para que me representaran y pensé en utilizarlos.
There will be three of them, and we request that you convey them to your Imperial capital where they will represent our race.
Son tres, y les suplicamos que los lleven hasta su capital imperial, donde representarán a nuestra raza.
He tried unraveling threads from his clothing, then tying knots in them to represent words.
Probó a arrancar hilos de su ropa y hacer nudos que representaran palabras.
It could be, of course, that they did represent a nation helping Hawkmoon and the rest, but he had no proof.
Bien podía ser que ellos representaran a una nación que estuviera ayudando a Hawkmoon y al resto, pero no tenía pruebas de ello.
But the building of the tunnels and the supplying to us of the tools we will need in the Miocene will represent a vast expenditure of funds…
Como la construcción de los túneles y el suministro de las herramientas que precisaremos en el mioceno sin duda representarán un fuerte desembolso…
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