Traduzione per "repeating to himself" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Terrified by the thought he turned away and ran towards his house repeating to himself, I am not going mad;
Aterrorizado por este pensamiento, echó a correr hacia su casa repitiéndose a sí mismo: «¡No me voy a volver loco;
Hans arrives precisely at nineteen hours (Less keeps repeating to himself: seven p.m., seven p.m., seven p.m.).
Hans llega exactamente a las diecinueve horas (Less se pasa la tarde repitiéndose a sí mismo «Las diecinueve son las siete, las diecinueve son las siete»).
He spent several days as if he were bewitched, softly repeating to himself a string of fearful conjectures without giving credit to his own understanding.
Estuvo varios días como hechizado, repitiéndose a sí mismo en voz baja un sartal de asombrosas conjeturas, sin dar crédito a su propio entendimiento.
He lay there holding his breath, grasping the handle tightly, repeating to himself his father’s other watchword. Surprise is more valuable than strength.
Permanecía acostado conteniendo el aliento, sujetando el mango del cuchillo con fuerza, repitiéndose a sí mismo otra de las consignas de su padre: «El factor sorpresa es más valioso que la fuerza».
It had been to stop himself saying it, or even thinking it, that he had looked at the stove, repeating to himself that it was the best stove in Holland, that he had looked at Mama and persuaded himself that she was beautiful, and decided his daughter had dreamy eyes. And it was the same when he went past the famous ‘house’.
Y era para no decirlo, para no pensarlo, que miraba la estufa repitiéndose a sí mismo que era la más hermosa estufa de Holanda, que observaba a mamá persuadiéndose de que era una mujer guapa, que miraba a su hija convenciéndose de que tenía unos ojos soñadores…
Henchard walked blankly, like a blind man, repeating to himself the last words of the singers—
Henchard caminaba con paso vacilante, como un hombre ciego, repitiéndose sin cesar el último versículo que había entonado el coro:
After seeing his companion to the hall, saying his goodbyes between silent kisses, and closing the front door on her with a firmness that resounded through the house, he went upstairs and fell into a doze at last after six, repeating to himself softly, ‘Judge me by my results.’ He was up an hour later to be sure of running into Patrice before she left for work, and of letting her see how suddenly cheerful he was.
Después de acompañar a la mujer hasta la entrada, despedirla con besos silenciosos y cerrar la puerta con una firmeza que resonó en toda la casa, subió a su cuarto y dormitó por fin hasta después de las seis, repitiéndose en voz baja: «Júzgame por mis éxitos.» Se levantó una hora más tarde para asegurarse de que toparía con Patrice antes de que ella se fuese al trabajo y de que viera lo repentinamente alegre que él estaba.
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