Traduzione per "received in" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Do you know how you'd be received in prison?
¿Sabes cómo serías recibido en la cárcel?
I don't accept this life which I received in alms..
no acepta esta vida que recibido en limosna ..
This is the latest dispatch just received in our newsroom.
Es el último informe recibido en nuestra emisora.
Shall I tell you how you'd be received in prison?
¿Debería decirte cómo serías recibido en la cárcel?
Message received in the year 2110.
Mensaje recibido en 2110.
I won't be received in London?
¿No seré recibida en Londres?
Your call will be received in... minutes.
Su llamada será recibida en... minutos.
I hope that we will be better received in court.
Espero que seamos mejor recibidos en la corte.
- wounds received in battle ...
Las heridas recibidas en combate...
Probably defensive wounds received in the struggle.
Probablemente heridas defensivas recibidas en la pelea.
“But you’ve received them?”
—¿Pero las ha recibido?
“No. I have not received it.”
—No, no la he recibido.
“No, I never received it.”
—No, no lo he recibido.
He never received it.
—Él no la ha recibido.
Received and understood.
Recibido y entendido.
They received a letter.
Han recibido una carta.
“Information received.”
—Por información recibida.
It was not well received.
No fue bien recibido.
It was respectfully received.
Y fue recibida con respeto.
That, and information received.
De eso, y de la información recibida.
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